Chapter 13: Disapproval

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The day had gone mostly well. Her classes had gone wonderfully, as always. Well, the ones that she actually went to. But that wasn't the problem.


A group of seventh years surrounded Philomene, mostly Ravenclaw boys. She had been trying to make her way down to Potions from History of Magic, when she had been stopped by this group. They now insulted her, their faces contorted into ugly sneers.

"So you're Potter's new 'sister'?" one of them asked mockingly.

"Yes," Philomene replied, her voice shaky. This caused the boys to start laughing raucously.

"I don't believe you," the boy spat, "I think you're just pretending, so that maybe you can get in on some of the glory!"

Philomene's jaw dropped in shock. Of course that wasn't true. She opened her mouth in rage, but was cut off by the arrogant boy.

"-And don't bother trying to vouch for yourself. Whatever you say, we won't believe you because you're lying!"

Don't cry. Don't cry. Whatever you do, don't cry. Oh what the heck. Philomene spun on her heels and ran.


Philomene ran as if her very life depended on it. She had no idea where she was going, and she had let her legs go on autopilot a long time before. Silent tears flowed down her face, giving it a silvery sheen. She ignored the students who openly gaped at her as she sped by.

Finally her legs stopped, and she collapsed against a railing, finally getting the chance to openly sob. She didn't understand why the students just couldn't accept her. She'd already been here for three days! At her old school, a new person would seem weird and new the first day, but then everything would go back to normal, and the person would just melt into the crowd.

Finally having relaxed her aching heart, she looked around herself. Much to her surprise, she was in the astronomy tower.

She sighed, then leaned against the railing again. She knew she was missing classes, and a new pang of guilt and injury hit her. It was 6:30, and she would be missing Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Oh well.

She stared into the distance, losing herself in the beauty of the sunset.

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