Chapter 9: Found

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"I can't believe I left her!" Hermione wailed, "she could be anywhere in the castle! I didn't even notice she was gone until you guys pointed it out!"

Ron awkwardly hugged her and gave her small pats of reassurance.

"You seriously didn't notice she was gone at any time during your three hour tour?" Harry said incredulously, slapping his hand to his forehead in desperation. Sometimes he just couldn't believe Hermione. "Well now we'd better go look for her. She could be anywhere."

Just then the portrait door swung open. The three of them gaped in shock at who stood in the entryway.

Philomene walked in, still looking over her shoulder at someone in the hallway, to whom she gave a slight wave before walking completely into the common room. When she saw the stunned looks on the faces of her new friends, she stopped in her tracks.

"What?" she said. She started to ask what was wrong, but was cut off by Hermione charging at her, quickly enveloping her in a tight hug. Philomene was confused.

"Oh my gosh I was so worried!" Hermione exclaimed after pulling back, "I'm so so so so sorry for leaving you! I didn't even realize you weren't following me!"

"It's fine Hermione!" barely containing my laughter at the girl's anxiety, "I made my way back in one piece, didn't I?"

Hermione nodded. She walked towards one of the couches and sat down, letting out a sigh of relief. The other three watched her.

"Just out of curiosity, where did Hermione lose you?" Harry asked.

Philomene threw her head back and laughed. " She left me in the astronomy tower only an hour into the tour. I was so bored, I fell asleep!"

"How in the world did you make your way back?" Ron asked, "Even I still get lost sometimes, and I've been here for seven years!"

"Well, I bumped into someone in the astronomy tower when I woke up, and I made a new friend," Philomene responded nonchalantly, " Since I didn't know the way back, he led the way. It was awful nice of him, since it was obviously out of his way."

"Who is this new friend?" Harry asked kindly, "I'm sure I'll know him."

"Draco," Philomene replied proudly, "Draco Malfoy."

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