14 • The Beginning✔️

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Music: Dry Out - DJ Vi


Tails' Workshop

"Wow, we come over for a visit and something bad happens." Manic spoke, watching as everyone crowded around the twin tailed fox. Shadow was still in his tank, debating whether of not to let himself out and save Jayde himself. But how long would it be until he had another blackout?

"Jayde's tracker is still hidden in her quills, so we can locate her easily." Tails spoke, "If I can hack into it, we may also be able to hear what they are saying."

"If you can locate her then why don't you go get her?" Shadow hissed from behind, causing everyone to look at him.

"Didn't you hear the part about the Moebians and Torrent being there?" Knuckles asked, crossing his arms.

"Then let me out! I can easily chaos control in there and get her!" the ebony male snapped.

Tails shook his head as he analyzed the doctor's lair, "You can't, Eggman seemed to have everything sorted for himself."

"What do you mean?" Amy asked.

"Dr Eggman has created this new device around his lair, which prevents chaos control into and inside the facility. Even if you could get in there, you still would be caught." Cleobella sighed.

"And how do you know that?" Shadow snarled.

The blue fox's ears bent back, "Because I was the one who installed it."

"Whoa, hold on, you used to work with the enemy?" Sonia asked.

Cleobella nodded, "But not anymore. He had a tab on me that could keep me working for him. Yes, I helped him with Adversity. Yes, I helped him upgrade his defenses. But no, I never meant Jayde any harm. I was just working for the one I thought saved my life - turns out he was just using me."

"How do we know that you still don't work for him?" Raiden asked, feeling that the fox before him was not worthy of trust.

"I don't work for him!" Cleobella growled, Tails grabbing her arm to hold her back, "After I realized what Eggman had done to hurt Jayde, I couldn't ever forgive him! He hurt the one friend who cared about me more than my own clan!"

Sonia and Raiden fell silent and Sonic rubbed his temples, "We aren't getting anything done just yelling at each other."

Amy nodded, "We know what Eggman is capable of. We need to all work together to get into his base and return Jayde."

Rouge suddenly gasped, looking up from her communicator and shouted to everyone, "Eggman's attacking again!"

"Of course, he is." Sonic muttered before turning to the rise hedgehog, "Ames, stay here. You're still injured from last time."

"No, I want to fight!" She spoke.

"No, Amy. Stay here." He answered before turning to Raiden and Mitzy, "You two good to help out again?"

They both nodded before Amy gripped the blue blur's arm, "Sonic, I'm coming with you guys."

He took her hand off and turned to her, "Amy, stay here. You're hurt!" Amy flinched at his yell. Sonic swallowed and kissed her forehead, "Please, just stay for me." He sprinted out, everyone else hot on his tail, leaving the rose hedgehog and Ultimate Lifeform remaining in the workshop.

Dr Eggman's Lair

The Moebians watched as the doctor terrorized Station Square for the third time that week. And second time that day. Jaylee rolled her eyes, "Is this all he does? No plan and no success?"

Orbot and Cubot looked at her, before the red robot spoke up, "Oh, I wouldn't say it always ends in failure. He's getting better."

"Slowly." Cubot added.

Orbot smacked his companion upside the head, "Not all of his inventions are unsuccessful."

"Clearly you were." Torrent muttered from the corner.

"Like what?" Rosy asked, cleaning some dirt from her hammer.

"Well, for example, Adversity. He wanted to make her the Ultimate Hybrid and have her work for him to create his Eggman Empire." Orbot answered, "Yes, she was the Ultimate Hybrid, but she disobeyed his orders and went against everyone."

"She did a good job in pulling them apart." Miles spoke, watching the screen boredly, "You know, you two can perform that ritual on Jayde while he's not here."

Jaylee snickered, "Scourge has already gone to sort her out." Miles frowned before changing cameras to the holding cells. All eyes widened as they saw the two enemies fighting, before Jayde was slammed into a wall.

The grey hedgehog groaned before a low growl left her and she snapped her head to the green male in front of her. Fists clenched, she turned into her invisible form. The only problem was that being here seemed to drain all of her energy, and she could only perform her powers for a limited time.

"I can't wait till you work with us." Scourge grinned, dodging an incoming attack. They both looked across from one another before spin dashing directly to each other, bouncing across the walls, the floors.

Jayde unrolled and crossed her arms, "If you think I'll work with you, you're kidding yourself."

Scourge grinned, "Oh, I doubt that."

Jaylee rolled her eyes at the screen before pressing the microphone, "Scourge, you idiot, we need her at her full strength to complete our task."

The green male chuckled, "This isn't a challenge. It's only weakening her if she uses her power." Jayde growled at him, looking up to the camera as it moved and focused on her. Scourge smirked, "Let's give her a show of what we are going to achieve."

Jaylee grinned and tapped on a few things on Eggman's control center before a projected screen appeared on the wall, showing their prisoner what was going down in Station Square.

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