7 • Reunited✔️

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Music: Shine (Original Mix) - Spektrem

Tails' Workshop

"Jayde, you need to sleep." Tails glanced at his watch as the clock ticked past midnight. The grey hedgehog startled slightly, raising her head from her arm.

She hadn't moved from sitting next to the unconscious male. Everyone had watched her watch him throughout the day until they each left, leaving the twin tailed fox. "No, I-I'm fine."

Tails placed down his tools and walked over to her, "Jayde." He said more firmly, "You need to go home and rest. The results for the test won't be here until the morning at least. Shadow won't wake up until his body has completely healed either."

Jayde sighed. She knew Tails was right. There was no point in waiting here when Shadow wouldn't move from this spot until he wakes, and then she can find out what is wrong with him. She nodded, yawning as she stood.

"Oh, and..." Tails scurried around his workshop before presenting her with her newly edited board, watching her orbs light up slightly, "I decided to quickly finish up with the new boosters since I had a few hours free. It's fully operational!"

Jayde smiled weakly, holding onto her board again, "Thanks, Tails. See you later."

The two waved goodbye before Jayde was off. It was quite chilly, leaving Jayde to wrap her GUN jacket tighter around her, slowing up on her board slightly to prevent the harsh wind.

Jayde was worried for her ebony counterpart. It wasn't like him to fall unconscious after having just one hit on him. It seemed nearly impossible – he was the Ultimate Lifeform! But that battle seemed far different from any other Eggman had done before. It was well planned out, like he was waiting for her to leave before he attacked Shadow. But the one thing she couldn't get out of her head, was watching that young child fall. The pup's face was permanently scarred into her mind, painfully reminding her of what happened to Jayden.

Jayde was just glad she could save someone this time. She couldn't even bare to think what would happen if her dark form hadn't come through to save both her and the cub.


The hedgehog slowed on her board, looking around to see the ivory bat flying over to her, "Hey, Rouge? It's a bit late."

Rouge shrugged, "This is normal time for me."

The two flew down to Jayde's house as it came into view, "What's up?" Jayde asked, noticing Rouge staring.

"Can I ask you about the battle today?" she started, "Your dark form – why did it appear?"

Jayde sighed, opening her door and walking inside. The Protector didn't want to think of that scene anymore than she had to. She leant against the kitchen counter before turning to face the female, "Do you remember I told what happened to Jayden?" Rouge nodded. Jayde's ears bent backwards, "The same thing almost happened to that wolf cub. When I found her, she was clinging to the edge of the cliff, the robot firing down at her. When I saw her fall, I didn't know what came over me, but my dark form took over and helped save her."

"But why didn't you give her straight back to her mother?"

Jayde shrugged, not even knowing the true answer herself. And it wasn't like she could ask her dark form. It may have been part of her, but it wasn't a conscious being inside her, "I don't know, Rouge. I really don't." Jayde twisted her inhibitor rings around her wrists, looking out the window into the night sky. She huffed, "All I remember was feeling stuck inside that form. I wasn't in control – and I hate not being in control of myself." She shivered, clenching her orbs shut at the memories of Raven.

Jayde the Hedgehog • Negative Rebound [4]Where stories live. Discover now