Chapter 19

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Part 2: May

Chapter 19

May 7th. Wednesday.

“Tanaka! Yamaguchi! Come quick!” shouted Raku, causing the dog-eared duo to halt in their spots before proceeding to the school rooftop for lunch. “Please, hurry! Idola’s in trouble!” The yellow-eyed female waved her hand in the air, flagging her friends down.

Yamaguchi gave a side glance to her brother. “We need to hurry.”

The two siblings hurried down the hall to where the first year high school classrooms were; a crowd gathered in the middle of the hallway, surrounding two students. One was a male, smirking with his hands in his pockets. The other was Idola, who had food dumped all over her hair and uniform. Her hands formed fists, and she looked beyond pissed off.

“You asshole!” she said, wiping some of the dripping contents off her embarrassed visage. “What the hell was that for?!” The female nearly lunged at the boy, but Mamoru and Teddy both held her back.

“Prostitutes shouldn’t be allowed at this school,” he replied. “Your existence is degrading Shoudou’s pride. If you don’t leave this academy, I will force you to.”

“Shut your mouth!” Rather than Idola speaking, Yamaguchi defended her. “She earned the right to be educated here, and you can’t take that away!” Her ears pinned back, and she seethed with rage.

“Well, would you look at that? It’s the bitch,” the boy said, laughing. Students near him chuckled along with the male. “Animals don’t belong in a place meant for humans.”

Tanaka grabbed his sister’s arm before she involved herself any further.

“That’s enough,” Roku spoke loudly, interrupting the ongoing situation. He broke up the crowd so he could make his way to the boy and Idola. “You two, come with me to the principal’s office. Idola, we’ll get you an extra pair of clothes.” The two students silently followed the blond down to the principal’s office, not daring to say a word in front of the teacher.

“Idola-nee…” Teddy frowned as he watched his sister disappear along with the older male and the other student. “I hate people at this school…”

“Me too,” agreed Yamaguchi, scowling. “Believe me, I do too.”

May 8th. Thursday.

That day, Roku did not show up to classroom 2-C. A substitute teacher filled in his place, leaving a few students to feel uncomfortable. During lunchtime, Shido told Tanaka and the others that the drama club meeting was cancelled due to the blond’s absence. The group noted that E wasn’t at school either, so Shido assumed that Roku was with him at the hospital. The Persona users, however, wondered if the two were in Tartarus. Tanaka sent a text to Roku at the moment he got home, and waited several hours until the teacher finally responded.

To: Tanaka

From: Roku

Message: Tonight.

Something was certainly going on. If Roku replied, then he must have been alright; he was not in Tartarus. E, however, must have become the next victim.

Tanaka walked into Yamaguchi’s room, saying, “Get up. We’re going to Tartarus.” He then headed over to his own room to get ready, and sent out a text to everyone to see who could go. Only Raku was available; Idola was busy, and Mamoru and Teddy were sound asleep.

“Can you give a warning before you wake everybody up so suddenly next time?” asked Yamaguchi before she yawned. She tied her hair into two pigtails. “Anyways, did Roku-sensei ever reply to you?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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