Chapter 5

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Part 1: April

Chapter 5

April 2nd. Wednesday.

Yamaguchi was right. His body did appear out of nowhere on the surveillance cameras.

The principal turned around his computer monitor and pointed at it, emphasizing at the time on the screen. “Notice how at exactly 12:01 AM you appear out of nowhere. Can you explain this?”

Tanaka refused to answer. No…he couldn’t answer. He was unsure whether or not what he experienced in the alternate school world was a dream or not. The teen sat quietly in the chair opposite of the principal’s, staring blankly at the adult across the wooden desk.

“Alright, we’ll start simple. What were you doing on campus at night?” asked the principal.

“Give him some time to think,” warned Yamaguchi, giving an impolite glare at the man. She sat next to Tanaka, holding an ice pack to his left eye.

“Miss Yamaguchi, trespassing is a serious crime that can resort in expelling your brother from my school.” The principal picked up a glass cup off of his desk and took a sip of water.

“He could be shaken up from yesterday.”

The man set down his cup and cleared his throat. “Miss Yamaguchi, let your brother answer for himself or I’ll send you back to class.”

The female huffed and adjusted one of the bandages on Tanaka’s face.

“Mister Tanaka, what were you doing on campus last night?”

There were several seconds of silence before Tanaka finally spoke up. “Two of your students locked me in a supply closet.”

Yamaguchi turned towards her brother, shock written all over her visage.

The principal, on the other hand, remained unfazed. “And how did you get out?”

“I don’t know,” replied the male. “After several times of trying to push it open, it worked.”

“The security cameras didn’t show the supply closet doors opening, nor did it show you actually being locked inside of it.” He turned around the monitor again, showing the unmoving closet as time passed.

“As I said, he’s probably incapable of giving you reasonable answers right now due to trauma,” interrupted Yamaguchi. “I don’t know why he’s a suspect of some crime while your own students attacked him.”

The principal gave a stern look at the female. “I will not allow ○○○ to be given liars, or let alone troublemakers. You are both almost adults and should act like one.”

“You think he’s lying?” said Yamaguchi, irritated.

“Miss Yamaguchi, lower your tone and get back to class,” ordered the principal. “I’ll talk to your brother alone about this issue. If he does receive punishment, you will be called back here.”

“That won’t be necessary,” spoke a voice that all three bodies recognized.

Roku made his way into the room with two male students following behind him. They kept their gazes lowered, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

“These two admitted to tapping into the security system,” spoke Roku. “These are your culprits.”

The principal looked the two boys over. “Hm. Very well then, why don’t they explain the whole story?”

Tanaka easily distinguished the two students; they were the ones who beat him up and tried attacking the dark-haired girl yesterday.

“We beat him up,” one of them said with a shaky voice. “Both of us.”

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