Chapter 18

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Part 2: May

Chapter 18

May 1st. Thursday.

“Today we get to finally learn who our teacher for the rest of the school year will be.” Yamaguchi strolled alongside her brother, her two pigtails bouncing slightly with each step she took. She looked his way and flashed a toothy grin. “There will be a list on each floor telling students their new classrooms.”

When the duo arrived on campus, they made their way through gathered crowds of students and up to the third floor. Many high school students were crowded around the center of the hall where a bulletin board hung, and the results of the assessments were posted on it. Wandering through the horde of youths was a difficult task, and Yamaguchi had to hold onto Tanaka’s arm to avoid getting lost in the sea of students. Some teenagers left, allowing Tanaka and Yamaguchi to get a closer look at the papers.

“I’m still in classroom 2-C,” uttered Tanaka, squinting to look for Yamaguchi’s name. “You are too.”

“Really?” asked Yamaguchi, trying to see for herself. Relief settled in after she confirmed that she and her brother wouldn’t be separated. “So we’re going to be with Roku-sensei this whole year… Ah, didn’t he say that he taught the Soul Division?”

Tanaka dragged he and his sister out of the crowd. “Yeah,” he said, nodding. “I wonder if he placed us in his class on purpose.”

“Don’t be such a pessimist,” Yamaguchi said, meandering over to classroom 2-C. “I’d prefer be in his class rather than some completely random teacher.”

The two canine-eared siblings entered the classroom and sat down in their usual desks. Roku hadn’t arrived yet, so many students were chatting with each other in the meantime. Tanaka glanced around the classroom to observe the new students he’d be with for the rest of the school year, and perked up once he detected a few familiar faces. Raku, Leo, Shido, and Ruki were now students of classroom 2-C. The male nudged his sister and rose from his seat, walking over to where the drama club students were grouped together.

“Tanaka!” Shido said, smiling at the familiar face. “And Yamaguchi, too!”

Raku got up from where she was sitting and hugged both of the dog-eared teenagers. “We’re all in Roku-sensei’s class, huh?”

“I feel bad for Teddy, Idola, and Mamoru,” said Ruki. “They’re left out because they’re not second year high school students.”

“We can always see them during drama club.” Leo grinned. “We have a meeting after school today, so don’t forget!”

“Ah, maybe we can eat lunch together,” suggested Shido. “You guys hang out on the roof during lunch break, right? Do you mind if we hang out with you?”

Tanaka nodded, noticing Raku giving a hesitant look towards him. “We don’t mind.”

The blond teacher sauntered into the room, greeting his class. Everyone scurried to find an available seat, and after he introduced himself, Roku assigned desks to each student. For the first few hours he had introduce themselves and explained the Soul Division, and after lunch he began a philosophical lecture about why people go to war. Not many students understood, however, and thought that his teaching wasn’t even part of the curriculum.

The drama club meeting was nothing exciting or new. Each member continued to practice their roles for the play, trying to have their lines memorized by the end of the month. Tanaka’s anxiety about Roku’s role with Tartarus stuck to him like glue—he had a plethora of questions that he demanded answers for. If the teacher wasn’t going to answer his qualms soon, then Tanaka had no choice but to take action.

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