Chapter 11

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Part 1: April
Chapter 11
April 8th. Tuesday.

Yet again Tanaka and Yamaguchi were concerned for Raku’s safety. Roku’s assessments continued, and Tanaka nearly fell asleep during it. Yamaguchi had to be elusive and nudge him when the teacher wasn’t looking. The two siblings ate together on the school’s roof when it was time for lunch, arriving there early to ensure Raku didn’t attempt to jump off again.

“You’re quiet,” noted Tanaka, breaking the silence between he and his sister as they ate. Yamaguchi’s lack of a response discouraged Tanaka from speaking up again, so they spent their entire lunch awkwardly.

When it was time for drama club, the group’s enthusiasm threw Tanaka and Yamaguchi off balance. Were they unaware of the ongoing situation with Raku?

“Welcome to drama club,” greeted Shido, he and Ruki simultaneously waving to the canine-eared siblings. Compared to the last few meetings, Shido and Ruki were dressed in their normal school uniforms.

“Your faces look sullen,” spoke Ruki. “Did something happen?”

Yamaguchi’s dog ears pinned backwards, biting her bottom lip.

Tanaka answered for his sister. “The last few days have been stressful.”

“Leo-nii,” mumbled Teddy, hiding behind the chameleon boy as he did during the last meeting, “those two are no good.”

Leo arched an eyebrow, baffled by Teddy’s sudden statement. “What makes you say that?” he asked, peering down at the dark-haired boy.

Teddy’s gaze narrowed into a glare, his sights focused on Tanaka and Yamaguchi. “They don’t belong here.”

“Don’t be so close-minded,” Leo replied, stepping away from Teddy so he was no longer hiding behind him. “They’re new here.”

The elementary student pointed his finger at the two siblings. “I bet you’re spies for ×××!” he exclaimed, raising his voice and shushing the room’s prattle.

“Don’t say something like that, joking or not.” Roku held his smoking pipe in one hand, giving Teddy a grave stare. “The government takes comments like those seriously, and not only are you putting Tanaka and Yamaguchi’s lives in danger but you’re at risk too.”

Yamaguchi slowly brought her hands up to cover her dog ears, uttering softly to her brother, “I want to go home…”

Tanaka gave her a gentle pat, sympathizing with her.

“Raku’s not here again,” Ruki said, switching the subject to something else. “Teddy, was she here today?”

The child nodded, crossing his arms.

Roku marked the dark-haired girl as absent, and yet again the club spent the meeting in tension.

April 9th. Wednesday.

“Raku’s not here today.”

Tanaka paused, putting his lunch down.

“I haven’t seen her. I tried asking Teddy if she was here, but he ignored me.” Yamaguchi stared down at the ground.

“Are you sure she’s not wandering around?”

“Shido and Ruki said they haven’t seen her around either.” The female turned towards her brother. “Tanaka, you don’t think she might have…”

“No.” His response was immediate, and he stared back at Yamaguchi. “You can’t always think like that.”

“But no one knows where she is and she might have disappeared or died—”

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