Part 3 - A new beginning

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Ellie's point of view.

3 years later ...

Now at ten years old,I was thriving,especially at school. I wasn't the grieved and silent little girl sitting at the back of the class,wishing she could disappear,anymore.

I finally managed to make new friends and they all called me Ellie,just like Emil does. It was good to hear my name instead of being called Child like my adoptive parents do.

School became an escape from my horrid life at home. The only ones I couldn't escape however was my adoptive siblings. They were like problems in life that keep coming back to haunt me.

My grades had picked up as well and I was becoming one of the top students in my class and grade. Emil always joked about how stupid my adoptive brother and sister are, compared to me.

As time went on their hatred towards me seemed to grow. They always managed to get under my skin like an annoying rash that won't go away.

At that time,I was not emotionally strong enough to block out their words or deter their bullying. My heart was fragile and had already been broken.

So,some nights I would cry myself to sleep but I made sure my guardian angel wasn't around to see. I knew how he felt about me crying. He couldn't bear it.

There was one night however,that was different. It had been a long,blistering, day. After school my adoptive mother forced me to help her and her husband in the cornfield.

I worked all day,with nearly no rest. By the time we finished it was around 21:00 pm. My adoptive brother and sister had already gone to bed,when I flung open the door.

As usual I didn't get wished good night and this time went to bed,hungry. My hands were pounding with pain. I slumped down on the bed and grabbed the nearest pillow.

Cuddling it,I fell asleep.

The next day ...

I woke up with the sound of the rooster's cry. I lazily opened my eyes and suddenly realised that I never did my homework for Biology.

Looking at the clock I saw it was too late to do it at home. I rushed as fast as I could to get ready for school. Running out of the house I noticed the school bus driving off.

I had to walk to school that day,and in the process I was late for school as well. Missing the school bus was no excuse according to the principle.

When I got to Mrs. Buelers class it was time to face the music. I sat nervously at the back,eyeing her closely as she checked the other's homework.

I swallowed spit into my dry throat as she approached. She stopped at my desk,impatiently tapping the tip of her shoe on the ground.

"Where is your homework miss Anderson?" She inquired with an impatient voice tone.

"I did not do it ma'am," I said in a shameful whisper.

"And why not?" She asked moving the ruler in her left hand.

"I --," as I was trying to explain,my eyes met with my adoptive sister,who is the same age as me.

"I had lots of work to do on the farm and finished around 21:00 pm ma'am. That's my excuse," I said avoiding my teacher's angry looking eyes.

"That's not good enough. You will sit two hours detention after school,miss Anderson," she sneered as she wrote it down.

I saw my adoptive sister as she threw me a malicious glare,and deep down I knew,I was going to pay. My adoptive siblings did not like when I blamed the farm or their parents for not doing my homework.

At the end of the day ...

I dragged my feet as I made my way to Mrs. Buelers class. All the other kids ran either to the buss or to their bicycles and their laughter filled the air.

I sighed as I entered her class. To my surprise I found the class empty,but I would not dare miss detention or else ...

I took my seat at the back of the class,near the window. Shortly after I arrived,Mrs. Bueler appeared with a stack of papers in her hand.

She adjusted her thin framed glasses and peered over them at me. A slender smile formed on her lips. Was she really smiling? Why?

"Miss Anderson," she began,"I fully understand your situation at home."

I looked away,feeling both hurt and relieved at the same time. She gently patted my back and set the papers down.

"I had to give you detention. Surely you understand that?" She sat next to me.

"I do ma'am," I gave a quiet answer.

"Then what is bothering you?" She asked her fading blue eyes looking into my hazel eyes.

I did not want to answer that question,my stomach turned at the very thought. But now was my opportunity to expose the truth or not.

"My adoptive parents won't be happy," I answered with a deep sigh.

"What parent is ever happy with a child that did not do their homework?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No parent,I guess."

"Just catch up on your homework that you missed and do today's homework,then you can go," she got up.

Her heels clicked as she went to sit down near her desk. She seemed to be busy with something else. I took up my pen and started doing what I had to.

1 hour and 30 minutes later ...

I packed up my things,greeted Mrs. Bueler and left her class. The time was now 16:00 pm. Making my way down the stairs,that hollow feeling surfaced in my gut again.

I really didn't want to go home. But where would I go? This was my own fault? Shortly after I left the schoolyard,following the road home.

As I walked I wondered where Emil was since I hadn't seen him in awhile. I knew he couldn't visit everyday, but still one little hello wouldn't kill him.

I sighed heavily after reaching the farm after I've walked about an hour. I adjusted my school bag over my shoulder mentally preparing myself for what was to come.

Carefully,I opened the front door,it let out a loud squeak. Out of the corner of my eye,I noticed my adoptive mother standing in the kitchen,arms folded.

"You are coming with me!" She grabbed hold of my arm angrily.

She pulled me to the spare bedroom where my adoptive father was waiting. In his hands he held a belt,a malicious look plastered over his face.

I don't need to tell you what happened next,do I? Just as I predicted,everything happened. What an awefully day.

Between every beating I prayed for Emil to come save me,but he didn't. I suppose he had some other more important business to attend to. Whatever.

I cried into my pillow for most of the night. My ass was on fire not to mention my back. Unexpectedly I felt a light wind swoop over me.

I looked up to see Emil stand by the window,blocking out the moonlight that entered my room. I frowned and looked away.

I didn't want to see him,he was suppose to protect me,but he didn't. He wasn't there. He should've been there,but he wasn't.

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