Wondering - Sophie's POV

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I let out a small groan of frustration, anticipation, and sadness.

I just had gotten over Fitz, now Keefe?! I groaned and angrily knocked over a can of flavored air. Instantly, Edaline came up to my room, the worried mother face plastered all over her features. "Sophie? Sophie, what's wrong?" she asked, leaning down next to me. I tried my best to smile. "Oh, nothing, I'm just super clumsy." I said, trying hard not to let my voice shake. I leaned over and picked up the can, the tips of my ears red. Edaline raised a perfect brow, her face showing nothing but disbelief. "Uh-huh. Then why do you look like you're trying to extract bugs from your teeth?" she asked, pointing to my smile.

I sighed in frustration. "No, really, mom, I'm fine, I guess..." I mumbled the last part. Edaline sighed and took my hands. "If something happens, don't be afraid to come talk to me. I'm only saying me because if it involves that Keefe Sencen, I'm sure he won't survive. And definitely don't tell Grady. Yet." she said, squeezing my hands. I managed a real weak smile.

"Thanks, mom..." I say, sitting down on my bed. She smiled at me, a real, nice smile, and left my room. I wonder what everyone else is doing today... What are the twins doing? What are... they doing? I wonder, names too bitter even in my mind.

I shook the thought. Don't think. I stood up and looked in the mirror, triggering Vertina. "Um, honey? You might want to fix up your... Everything." she says. I scowled and stepped out of range, deactivating her. I made up my mind and went outside into the pastures to just walk around, nodding to the animals and sidestepping away from the Verminion.

Then, suddenly, a SOPHIE! SOPHIE! SAD? SOPHIE?  filled my mind. I sighed. No, Silveny, I'm... fine. I transmitted, hoping the alicorn wouldn't track the hesitation in my mind. Sadly, she did. SAD? she asked. Nope. Fine. I sent back. My mind was suddenly filled with images of her and Greyfell flying together, grazing, nice, peaceful, relaxing pictures.

I took a deep breath to calm down. Thanks, Silveny. I transmitted, grateful for the unexpected wave of calm. SOPHIE! HAPPY! HAPPY! she practically shouted in my mind. I nodded gratefully, knowing she wouldn't see it, but did it anyways. Thank you. And with that, she severed the connection. I walked back to the house, greeting Edaline with a polite wave. Then I sniffed the air. "Mallowmelt?" I asked, stomach growling. She nodded happily, her features comforting into a gentle, caring smile.

"Thank you," I breathed, relishing the smell of the delicious treat. She nodded and handed me a plate. "You know that I'm there for you, anytime." she whispered softly. I nodded, taking a small nibble of the sugary treat. "Anyways, we both know only one slice isn't enough, so help yourself!" Edaline said in a louder tone, clashing her hands together with a cheerful smile. I was no Empath, but I knew that she was just trying to make me feel better.

And it was working. 

"Thanks again, mom." I whispered, taking a mouthful of mallowmelt. 

She smiled at me. "Anytime, Sophie. Anytime."

-edited successfully at December 20, 2018!-

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