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Finally updated this once more.

I know I plan this to be a little bit more longer but I can't remember anymore what I had planned for this other than the ending because it's been so long. 

This update is dedicated for everyone who had been patiently awaiting for the update for this story. 

I hope you guys enjoyed reading it.


"Will you guys stop sulking already?" Midoriya sighed looking at Shoto who was just sitting quietly on the side of the couch, an amused smile on his face that Midoriya very much want to hit, with both of the kids in his lap who was desperately clinging at his shirt and pouting at him. It's been hard to peel them off from Shoto and they've been at it all morning already.

"No!" The two hissed at him in chorus "We want Papa to stay!!!"

And that is the big issue. The two had gotten way too attach to him in a matter of days and now they weren't taking well to the news when they told them that Shoto needs to leave tomorrow.

"We can't do that! Shoto also have a job and he needed to go back and perform his hero duties!" Midoriya reasoned as calmly as he can manage, pinching the bridge of his nose because of the terrible headache that he was having.

These two were more behave before but it seemed that they had been spoiled by their father too much in just a matter of two weeks.

"NOO!!!" They both cried out and now they are bawling uncontrollably. "You're always not around for us because of hero work and now Papa is going to leave us again to because of work! I HATE DADDY!!"

That really hits the nail and it really made Midoriya want to cry and sulk in the corner. He knew himself that they were right, no matter how much he tried his hero duties

Finally, Shoto took mercy on Midoriya and convince (bribed) the twins that he needed to go and settle some work matters, he had been on rest for about three months after all, promising if the two of them are good he'll take them to his office by the weekend and introduce them to other heroes. 

Midoriya wanted to argue about bringing the children to the city with the mass media after them about the details of their private life, but the green haired male held his tongue in favor of making the two settle down. They'll just deal with it when the time comes.

'I swear you heroes have no problem beating out villains but when it comes to children you're all hopeless.' Inko teased them, easily making them blush in embarrassment when she took over on watching over the twins.

 It was already late afternoon when the children finally calmed down and fell asleep for their nap. It left both Midoriya and Todoroki less time to prepare to leave but it was worth it despite feeling drained.

By the time night came both males was sitting in the balcony in silence. They were snuggled at each other. Todoroki's arm was wrapped around Midoriya's shoulder while the later leaned his head against the crook Todoroki's neck. Both just enjoying the moment of peace in each other's company while looking up at the vast starry night sky.

Even with everything. All of it still feel surreal. Just until a few months ago they were trying their hardest to live their. empty lives full of 'what if's' and regrets of the past. 

"Daddy?" Haruka called. Peeking her tiny head out of the door looking for them.

Midoriya pushed himself up from Todoroki and gestured for her with a smile to come over and joined them. She beamed at them with the biggest smile, her steps was practically hopping with her younger twin brother in tow. Both of them sat in between their parents as they babbled happily about their current favorite heroes.

|TodoDeku| If You're Back In My Arms Again [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now