After a nod of confirmation from Link, Zelda went in. Link, as well, since he was connected with her.

"Hey, lemme go find some wood to turn on some kinda light." Link noticed how dark the tree was so he reluctantly released Zelda's hand and went back outside, leaving Zelda alone to explore within the engraved tree.

The sounds of nature were soothing to his ears, and even though it was silent in the woods it was comforting enough to be in his tree. He had someone with him as well, so that was all the more reason to not be uncomfortable.

Link walked in silence, taking in the noise of his feet hitting the ground as he walked with the crunching leaves underneath. He turned his head around a corner of a tree and perked up when he saw a pile of thick wood sitting there. He walked to it and huddled them together, being careful as he bundled them in his arms.

As Link turned around and started walking back to Zelda, a smile went on his face. This is great, he thought. Hanging out with someone like this; it's been forever since I've done that. With Zelda, though— Link saw Zelda carving something on the outside of the tree with the knife he had in the tree, barely beside the entrance. He shook his head and his smile turned warm. With her, it's okay to be myself, and it feels like I've known her for...ages!

Having heard his movement, Zelda turned around and smiled sheepishly upon seeing his return.

Even though Link was aware, he still asked, "What're you doing?" when he made it closer.

Zelda fiddled with the knife's handle and nodded toward the carving she did. "Just...that. I-I'm sorry—I should've asked-"

"It's alright." Link smiled reassuringly and walked past her to look at the carving closely.

A...sword and shield? A frown came upon Link's face as he turned back around to face a pink Zelda. He tilted his head, which was enough for her to comprehend.

"Uh...well...since knights used to have swords and shields, I thought it'd be fitting to have this on there." Zelda shrugged, suddenly shy. "I dunno, just having known you're into swordplay and whatnot triggered it, I suppose."

Unexpectedly to Zelda, Link smiled and laughed a little bit. He glanced back at the carving before getting back to Zelda's focus. "I honestly forgot I had told you all of that."

Zelda laughed as well, smiling sheepishly. "Well...I suppose it's something that stuck out the most to me about you."

Link smiled and turned around to head into the tree, moving to the middle of the hangout to drop the planks of wood carefully to the ground in a pile. He realized Zelda followed him from behind when her presence was close and decided to ask a favor.

"Hey," he said, "can you get me the lighter and the torch that are over there in the corner?" Link's head motioned toward the corner of the room, which made Zelda do as he favored.

When she came back with the supplies in her hands, she held them out for Link to grab, which he did.

He crouched down and lit a ready fire on the tip of the torch, watching the fire engulf the wood and expand as he pulled the torch away from it.

Though she did not speak, Link sensed she wanted to say something by her shifting and quietness. He turned to Zelda after standing up straight and putting the fire out on the torch, setting it aside.

"What is it?" he asked.

Zelda seemed taken aback by his question, as the trance she was in was distracting her. "What?"

"What is it?" he repeated, firmer but emphasized.

Zelda seemed to frown as he read her like an open book, but Link was pouting when she asked, "Do you think...maybe just one day we can go in search for the Master Sword together?" She scratched her head, gesturing to the torch. "I saw the torch and you said you need a lit torch or something to get through the lost woods in search of the sword."

Unexpected | Zelink (modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now