Ch. 7 | Big wheels

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I was sitting in my bed, my heart in my throat - I still didn't know what I was being accused of, but I didn't care at the moment, all I could think of was the way grandmother stared at me holding the bible in her hands, and the way that Edwards attitude had suddenly taken a turn with me. It was kind of suspicious the way he was with me, and I wondered if he was fishing for something - I just didn't know what that could be.

I heard Edward speaking in a low voice to grandmother, coming closer, and I held my breath, as if I was afraid of her remembering I was here, they passed by my room on their way to grandmothers room, and I waited long enough to know they would be in there before slowly creeping to my door, I cracked it open slightly and peeked out, looking at grandmothers door, there was no one out in the hallway, so quietly I slipped out of my room, grabbing a jacket and slipping it on my shoulders, I walked to grandmothers door, listening.

Her sobs actually ripped at my soul. She has been nothing but rude to me ever since I got here, nothing but cruel to my mother since before I was born, yet I felt so much for this woman. I hated that about myself.

Edward was trying to calm her, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. However, it was no trouble to pick out grandmothers words.

"I should have listened to you, Edward." She cried, "I never should have invited that girl into my home."

I gulped down the lump in my throat and crossed my arms over my chest as if it would stop the hurt. Edwards gentle voice was still to quiet for me to hear.

"What do you mean? You didn't want her here in the first place, now you're saying this?" She sounded even more hurt this time around, as if whatever Edward had said had all but killed her.

"You invited her here for a reason, grandmother," I finally heard his velvety voice, "you wanted answers, you need them."

"I didn't invite her here for me." Grandmother said quietly, I heard Edwards sigh through the door.

"What do you want me to do? What do you expect from me?" Edward questioned, I frowned, wondering where this is going. "This is ridiculous. I don't believe it."

I slowly backed away from the door and turned around, as quietly as I could I walked to the stairs and went down, I made my way to the back door and slipped out. I spent some time walking along the grounds, I had been walking for a while before I found the shed. It was old, almost falling apart, but curiosity overcame me and I went inside, the first thing I seen stunned me into a statue.

The dollhouse was right there in front of my eyes, not a thing about it was different from my dream, I gasped quietly as my senses came back to me and I scrambled backwards, out of the shed.

I slammed into something hard as I came out of the shed, and instantly relaxed as I was hit with a familiar scent. I spun around and was face to face with Edward. His face was clouded, guarded.

"Whats wrong?" He asked, frowning slightly as he examined my features. It was then I realized his hands were on my hips.

"Oh, nothing, I seen a rat." I lied as I manouvered out of his grasp.

"I went to your room looking for you, I thought you didnt want to see me when you didn't answer me, but then I seen you from the window, so I came out to see if you wanted company." He explained, a soft blush coming into his cheeks.

"Of course I want to see you," I said quietly, and blushed back as I realized what I had said, his answering smile was brilliant, I quickly stepped back and swallowed. "But, I'm feeling sleepy maybe I should go take a nap.." I trailed off, watching the light in his eyes die in an instant.

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