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taehyung enters gwettens.. his heart is thumping, he is going to finally see jisoo

he looks around but doesn't find her. suddenly he sees her coming out of the kitchen area with a tray in her hand. she is wearing a waitress uniform and she is serving a customer

taehyung goes to her and stands behind her.. she finishes serving and turns around..

her face drains out of colors..

"what are you doing here?" she says in a weak voice

"umm.. that should be my line" he replies

"who did you even find.. okay leave it.. you can't be here. my boss is too grumpy to.." she stops talking as she sees her boss walking to her

"who is he?" she asks

taehyung looks behind him to see her boss..

"her husband" he says

"husband? but jisoo, you said that you are unmarried in your CV" she darts in on her face

"no, he isn't really" jisoo tries to explain but taehyung stops her

"unmarried? baby.. but we even have a child" he says

" child? but she is only 18? i don't get it.. she lied to me.." the lady is clearly angry.. she walks towards jisoo

"i have seen a lot of girls like you, lying to get a job. you piece of junk.." she says

jisoo looks at taehyung and he isn't amused..

"you are fired. i don't want a lying ass here" she says

"fired?" taehyung bursts

"fired? you mean you are throwing her out? you are so rude to my wifey... baby, show her what you got" taehyung says and winks

jisoo is angry as well. this lady has done nothing but made her life miserable even though it has only been a couple of days

"i am fired? guess what? i quit? who wants to work in this slum anyways?" jisoo screams as the customers all look at her

she throws her apron and goes to a customer

"mr. whoever you are, the meat that you are eating is from last year.. it is refrigerated. and this sauce that you are having, oh my, i can't even begin to describe what is in it" she lies and looks at her boss.

"goodbye fattie." she walks out 

taehyung looks around to see all the customers traumatized at what they are eating.. he follows jisoo

"jisoo wait." he runs behind her

"not now taehyung"

"please. i have been trying to find you"

jisoo keeps walking as she listens to him

"why now? why after all that you did to me? who told you about me?" she asks and stops walking to look at him

"that is not the concern right now" he replies

"then what is the concern?  or have you come to give me the invite of your wedding?" she says as she starts walking again

"jin, i am not going to spare you for giving him the address.. my plan is ruined. he will never be mine.. i am meant to suffer like this" jisoo thinks to herself.. jin is the only one who knows about her

as jisoo is walking taehyung holds her wrist and drags her to the exact opposite direction

"where are you taking me?" jisoo screams

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