Ch.29(where everyone dies +Hamilton)

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(Additional chapter)


Salvia laughed evilly.I could see the devilish red flashing in her eyes.She motions 'Ham' to tie up Laurens and bring him in the room.He was yelling 'Ham!Why?I thought you liked me!' And 'Ham' said 'I like seeing love ones being tortured.I lied to you.I lied.Did you think I really liked you?'.Then Laurens was yelling 'You are lying!' And the real Ham was screaming from the corner of the room 'I'm here!Thats the devil in my body!Im still a soul!'

So Laurens,Ham(the real one)(souls can also be tied up),Raichu,Eevie,Minji and I were all tied up.

Salvia:(coldly)Yes,who first?Let you see loved ones die,victims!(cackling)

Eevie:Stop It!You evil,brutal,cruel,demon!

Salvia whips Eevie and Eevie's mouth bleeds a little.

Minji screams.

Salvia:Now,I have a lot of machines here to torture you all before your poor deaths.What shall I use?(touching the machines while walking)

Raichu:You thief!You stole Bendy's machine!(glances at Bendy,unconscious,lying on the floor)

Salvia pulls Raichu's hair forcefully

Salvia:No one talks back to me!And he's,he was once my boss,but now he isn't!And the time has come for me to kill you all!My precious...(LOTR)riches and all,shall come to me soon enough!Now...Minji first!

Minji screams you like Sana and Park Jihoon and Min Yoongi?

Minji:(glares)It's not the time to talk about them!

Salvia:Then let me send you to a place where you can see them everyday...

John Laurens:Stop!You are insane!You're not bringing her back to Virtual Reality,are you!

Salvia:In that case,you will be tortured first...Ham the devil!Bring along the whip,and whip him hard!

'Ham' hits Laurens.

Ham(the real one):(screams)No!!!

John is bleeding and getting weak.

Salvia:(Holds up a gun)John,a second death for you,a gunshot to your mouth

Ham(soul):No!No!(screams while tears fall down)

Raichu:Stop It!

Salvia:Silence!Or I shall (fires at Bendy's stomach)(Bendy is unconscious so he can't feel it)(Raichu falls silent tears)

Salvia:Raichu,crying are you?The more you cry,the more I like to torture you!(Raichu doesn't try to fight back her tears)(Salvia whips her on her left shoulder and she is bleeding)

Ham(soul):No!!!You shot Bendy,hit my senpai and hit my best friend,how can you!


Salvia:You soul!You'll wander around and can't do anything!You can't even hold anything!And you'll be back,time will tell,you'll remember that I served you well!Oceans rise,empires fall,I have seen it through it all,and when push comes to shove,I will kill you to remember of my love


Eevie:Up!No Hamilton here!

Salvia:Oh too bad,there's a Hamilton character here

Ham:No!!Dont hurt my senpai!

Salvia:Ham The devil!Whip this soul,whip her hard!(Ham the devil whips her)

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