Macy nodded her head in understanding and when the timer went off telling me that the cake was ready, Macy told me: "But now you don't have an excuse anymore."

I smiled shyly at her and said: "You're right."

After I had taken the cake out of the oven and left it on a counter to cool, Macy and I made our way to the training grounds of the Red pack.

"You know what I think?", Macy asked me.

My eyebrows drew together, because with Macy you just could not know. One time she took me to meet a couple of her friends and we went to a cafe and she randomly announced there that squirrels were here favourite animals, because they looked so adorable.

"That you'd never name your child Tom, because you hate Tom Cruise?", I guessed.

Macy burst out laughing at my assumption and responded: "While that is very true my dearest Ellie, because Tom Cruise ist just so aaarg....I just hate him okay."

I giggled at her nauseated expression and remembered how broken Macy had just looked yesterday. My smile instantly vanished at these thoughts and I promised myself that I would do everything in my power to make sure that Macy would never look that devastated again.

"But what I was actually thinking about is that Jamie will be over the moon once he sees you."

The corners of my mouth lifted upwards and I desperately wanted to believe her.

"Jamie wants you to watch him fight Ellie.", Macy then told me and put her arm around my waist.

"Why's that?"

"Because he wants to show you that he's very capable to look out for himself now."

Her words struck me and and I uttered: "You mean he wants to show me that I don't have to worry about him anymore?"

Macy nodded her head in confirmation and led us deeper into the woods.

The whole way to the training grounds Macy did not speak to me anymore and I was thankful to her, because there was just so much going in my head.

Jamie apparently wanted to prove to me that he was fine by himself. I really wanted to believe that, but I knew that I had to see it for myself first.

His words from yesterday entered my mind again, when he told me that he would always need me as his sister and it only registered now that I had been a mother to him all along.

Jamie was trying to show me that he would be okay all by himself now. I was still allowed to be concerned about him and scold him, but now my little brother was all grown up and he did not need my help anymore. Well, not as much as before.

A weight that had been hanging on my shoulders suddenly vanished and I could only guess what it meant.

Now that we were both free of them, we could do anything we wanted to. Jamie had yet to find his place in the world, while I had found mine as Daniel's mate and Luna of the Moonshine pack already.

I was not supposed to protect him any longer, but I was expected to let him leave now.

Happy tears gathered in my eyes, because I could finally see what Jamie had seen all along.

I could not stand in his way any longer, because Jamie had to find himself and in order to do that he had to experiment.

I consoled myself with the knowledge that Jamie would always know that I was there for him and that our relationship was so much more than a mere sibling one.

The nameless LunaWhere stories live. Discover now