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He rubbed his eyes as he sat up straighter. He better get some work done but first he needed to roll up his sleeves. His cufflinks kept getting in his way and it was irritating.

As he began rolling his sleeves, he realised that this was the same blue shirt that he had worn on the day of Yasir's Walima. Or should he say same soaked blue shirt?

His rubbed his beard as he thought of her. That had been one crazy woman Wallah. Thank God he had never gotten to see her again.

His thoughts were cut short by a series of very loud knocks on his office door. He looked up very annoyed. Was someone dying or what?

"Come in."

Khaleel angrily stared at the young man who had just entered his office. He knew him alright. He was Max, Yasir's new assistant.

"Sir, you have to come with me quick," he said worry evident all over his face.

"Calm down Max, whats wrong?"

"Its the two brothers. They are fighting Sir. Only you can stop them. Please come quickly."

"Which two brothers?" asked Khaleel confusedly. As far as he knew there were no two employees in the company that were brothers. Well apart from Yasir and Hisham.

Wait, what?

"Which two brothers?" he asked immediately standing up.

"Yasir and Hisham Hosseini."

Khaleel immediately dashed for the door but then stopped.

"This is a joke right? Hisham is the one who sent you right?" he asked amusedly.

He quickly palmed his face as he thought of how he had almost fallen for it.

"Sir, I am serious. The two brothers are shouting their heads off at each other. Please come," pleaded Max.

Khaleel burst out in laughter as he shook his head. Yasir and Hisham fighting? Never gonna happen.

"Go tell Hisham it didn't work. Better luck next time."

"Damn it. Maybe I should just go to their father," said Max as he began heading out.

Khaleel stared at Max's retreating back unsure of what to do. Was he seriously going to Hitler? What if this was really a prank? His reputation infront of Hisham would be ruined. Well, screw it.

"Wait," he said and Max stopped  a hopeful look on his face.

"Say Wallah."

"Whats Wallah?" asked Max confusedly.

"Man, I swear if this is a joke il kill you, Yasir and Hisham with my bare hands. Now lets go, I have a lot of work to do," he said as he rushed out of his office with Max hot on his heels.

If this was a joke...

It better be good.


There was a pindrop silence in Yasir's office as both brothers waited for the other to speak up. Yasir had a hurtful expression on his face while Hisham's eyes were stained with tears.

A few minutes ago...

"Asalam aleikum Yasir," said Hisham as he entered his younger brother's office.

"Waleikum salam Akhi. I'm glad you came to work today."

"Aah, you missed you're Akhi I see."

Yasir laughed shaking his head.

"I think Baba missed you more. He has been searching for you in every office since yesterday."

HER BLIND HUSBAND ( A Wattpad Featured Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu