chapter seventeen

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carter + devon

my hart


we won!!!


congrats! what was the score?

my hart



omg yay

2-0 on the road trip so far woo woop!

my hart

i know its exciting and its got my confidence up which is good


im so proud lol

my hart

so how have you been


good, im all caught up in my classes and have saved my GPA lol

my hart

yeah i bet your GPA was a 3.5 and you got it to 4


actually it was a 3.7 and i got it to a 3.8

my hart

wow wow woow

thats still really good, my turn to be proud!

hey do you think your dad will let us hang out after the game sunday


not sure why

my hart

bc i go home to my parents that monday. we have time off to celebrate thanksgiving so im going home for a bit and won't see you of awhile bc we have away games after the mini vaca


yeah dads pretty chill but im not sure because i have school the next day. maybe we can be rebellious and sneak around like they do in the movies

my hart

wow never thought you'd be willing to sneak around


im not really but sometimes you gotta spice up this boring life

but yeah ill see what he says tomorrow

my hart

ok well i should head to bed

goodnight devon


goodnight carter


[a/n why are my teams loooosssinggg ugh]

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