Slip of the confession

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"taeyhung whats up with you?"I asked a little annoyed as I'm now sitting in the back seat of the car and tae in the driver's seat.

"Nothing just...what do you think of sunbae?"he asked shifting uncomfortable in his seat.

"Umm...well he's my best friend and he's cool I guess?"I answer confusion hinted in my tone.

"Is that all...."he looked at me through the rear view mirror watching my facial features change into annoyance once again.

"Yes now could you pretty please tell me what's wrong."I begged just wanting to clear the air.

"Nothing I already said that it was nothing."he says sounding irritated as he shifted the gear into park mode.

I hadn't noticed that we already made it home before taehyung angeryly yanks the keys out of the car and gets out slamming the door shut with a bang making the car shake a little. I get out of the car calmly shutting the door before running up to tae and grabbing his arm swinging him around to face me.

"obviously there's something wrong, Tae just tell me I don't want us to fight like this.."I pleaded as my eyebrows scrunched together, sadness written on my face.

"Look I'm sorry y/n I'm just tired there's really nothing wrong."he sighed gentle taking my hand off his arm and going inside leaving me in the driveway.

I followed after him stepping inside and sliding my shoes off beside his. The size difference always made me laugh, but today I just sighed staring down at my little feet. I know I'm not the reason for why he's mad, but I just wanted to help him. Knowing it's probably best to leave him alone I go upstairs and enter my room closing the door and plopping down onto my bed.

I rolled over onto my back staring up at the white painted walls as blank as paper. I sit up scanning my room noticing that everything is as blank as paper. No wonder I feel depressed I have no color in my life. I decided to paint my walls to take my mind off tae running down stairs and jogging into the garage I grabbed a can of paint 'blue' was written on the label since it's my favorite color. I searched around for a roller and brush setting up the white cloth on my floors and moving some of the furniture into the hallway.

Pulling a chair from my desk creating a cringe worthy screeching sound against the wooden floors as I step onto it so I could reach the top of the wall better. Gliding the roller against the wall as the blue aqua color  covered it easily.


I was done with two walls already feeling the need to take a break I placed my roller down into the paint getting ready to jump down from the desk chair, but instead I slipped on a trail of paint that some how dripped off my brush and onto the side of the chair making me fall and land head first onto my floors creating a loud bang.

"What was that sound! Are you okay?!" Tae asked worriedly running out of his room and entering mine. His eyes widen  looking at me groaning on the floor rubbing the back of my head.

"Ouch."I winced propping myself up on my elbow.

"Oh my god are you okay?!"he asked hurrying to my side and helping me sit up.

"I'm fine just hit my head."I assured still rubbing my head.

"Are you sure? That bang was pretty loud."he looked at me worriedly.

"Yes I just need a ice pack and that's all."I nodded giggling a little at how worried he is.

"I'll be back with some ice stay here and don't move."he order getting up and sprinting out of the room.

Taehyung came back faster than I thought picking me up bridal carry and placing me on the bed before handing me the ice pack.

"Look I'm sorry for how I acted earlier I had no right to be angry at you."he apologized sitting down at the edge of my bed making the bed dip down from his weight.

"Then what were you angry about?"I asked staring into his eyes as he looks down breaking the eye contact.

"Im about to say something that I may or may not regret depending on your answer."he said a little hesitant before looking back up and staring back into my eyes.

"Okay..."I leaned in curious.

"This is kinda weird and I know it's not right since your my step sister and all, but..."he was just about to finish his sentence when....

Are parents came bursting throw the front door.

"WERE HOME KIDS!"they both yelled in sink as taehyung and me came out of my bedroom looking down at the beaming parents.

"Aww look at you too being all close in your room."my mom teased looking up at us.

"What are you guys doing here I thought you were suppose to come back next week?"I asked disappointed.

"Well we were, but we decided to end the trip early."my stepdad answered taking off his hat and hanging it up on the coat rack. 

"Why are you disappointed?"my mom ask a hint of hurt in her eyes.

"No it's good to see you guys."I lied walking down the stairs with tae behind me.

"Oh honey what happened to your head?"she ran to me worried.

"I'm fine I just fell and hit my head that's all."I answered honestly.

"Well I'm glad you didn't get badly hurt."she smiled before pulling me into a big hug...

God dang it what was tae about to say? can you guess hehe man why do parents always have to ruin everything!!

stepbrother || K.thWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu