
One night, the kids were being very loud. They were dancing their hearts out while two sang karaoke. But there were two of them who weren't anywhere to be found.

Dahyun and Jimin were upstairs in Jimin's room complaining about the noise downstairs. Jokingly angry they couldn't watch their dramas in peace.

They were huddled up in a blanket watching a drama with the lights of. Grabbing fistfuls of popcorn from a bowl of near by.

Suddenly the door busted open. The popcorn went flying in the air because they jumped out of fear of the sudden noise. The intruder turned on the lights making their eyes hurt. They groaned in protest.

"What are you guys doing here?" Asked Suga as Jihyo poked her head in to see what was going on.

"It's too loud down there and we want to watch our drama." Responded Jimin. "Yup." Said Dahyun in agreement.

Suga and Jihyo looked at eachother suspiciously.

"Looks to me like you guys just wanted to be alone." Said Jihyo with a smirk.

Dahyun and Jimin immediately denied it, scooching away from each other.

"No no, no, no, no." Protested immediately.

"Mhm...sure...you two kids be safe." Said Siga jokingly knowing it would annoy them.

This cause Jimin to throw a pillow at him but Suga closed the door and left just in time for him to miss.

"And turn of the lights!" Yelled Jimin through laughs. The door opened a little and a pale hand crept in to turn off the lights and left right after, closing the door behind it.

Dahyun and Jimin laughed and went back to watching their drama.


The next night

The two groups were sitting in a circle in Twice's dorm with a bottle in the middle.

"Okay Tzuyu your turn!" Jin said excitedly.

Tzuyu crawled forward and span the bottle. It landed on Jungkook. Taehyung looked upset and everyone could see it. RM, feeling bad, reminded Jungkook and Tzuyu that it was just on the cheek. Tzuyu kissed him on the cheek and most people cheered.

Then it was Jimin's turn. Dahyun's pulse began to quicken. He span the bottle. Each time it passed her she got more anxious. Then as it was slowing down, it looked like it was going to stop at her. But it stopped at Mina. Everyone cheered but she didn't feel like cheering, she felt sick.

Jimin smiled and got close to Mina. Mina was nervous and put her head down out of shyness. Dahyun felt lightheaded. "Wait wait wait" Mina said, trying to give herself more time to get ready. However because she moved up so fast and Jimin was already so close, they ended up kissing on the lips.

Again, everyone cheered, this time louder. And again, she felt sick, this time worse. She felt everything blur out, she got up and ran to her room. Everyone was stunned.

"Jimin, I think you should go talk to her." Said Jihyo.

Jimin nodded and ran up the stairs. He didn't which was her room, since they were always downstairs. He called her name but there was no answer. Then he heard someone's soft cries from the room at the every end.

He slowly turned the knob to open the doors, making her cries more audible. The room was pitch black but she knew it was him.

He turned on the lights and saw her sitting down by her bed. She forced herself not to cry and tried smiling.

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