"Let go of me!" she yelled. "Stay away from him!"
"Lyra!" Sesshomaru shouted.
"Sesshomaru, save him! Save him! Please!"

Lyra suddenly gasped and sat up, her eyes wide open. Sesshomaru held the back of her head as her breathing remained erratic. She turned her head to look at him. Seeing his golden eyes, she felt safe again and then burst into tears. He looked at her, still extremely worried as he pulled her into his lap. Clutching onto his kimono, she sobbed into his chest while he gently stroked the back of her head.

"You are safe, Lyra," he said to calm her.
She tried to compose herself but still continued to cry. "He... He killed our baby..."
His brows furrowed slightly. "Who?"
She sniffed. "Naraku."
Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed as she told him. "He will not come anywhere near you or the baby."
"He will... I saw it..." She lifted her head to look up at him. Her face showed her distraught as tears continued to fall. "He knows, Sesshomaru... He knows," she repeated, weakly hitting his chest. "He's going to come after I give birth and he's going to kill our...our baby..."

She broke down into a fit of sobs again as she buried her face into his chest. Sesshomaru stared blankly off into the distance, his hand still holding the back of her head. He didn't know how Naraku knew that Lyra was pregnant or what his motivation was to harm an innocent baby. It was most likely just to hurt Lyra and himself. The baby would become their greatest weakness and therefore he would target that to get at both of them.

But it didn't matter. There was still a few months to go before the baby arrived. Sesshomaru was going to kill Naraku before then. That was now his ultimate goal to protect his family.

"Hush, Lyra," he whispered softly, stroking her hair. "You know your visions are not absolute. They can still change," he told her. Lyra sniffed and breathed out shakily, listening to him carefully. "Naraku will die. I will kill him before he so much as thinks of hurting you."

Lyra didn't say anything but she trusted him. She knew Sesshomaru meant every word and she had no reason to be scared. But just the flashback from her vision sent chills down her body. Naraku was holding their new born baby, ready to impale him with his sharp demon tentacle. She woke up before she could see the impact.

"A son."
Lyra lifted her head and looked at him with confusion. "What?"
He gazed down at her. "You were shouting in your sleep for me to save him. You are going to give birth to our son."

She blinked a couple of times before her eyes suddenly widened as she let out a quiet gasp. Sesshomaru was right. They were going to have a boy. Even with the tears in her eyes, she grew a large smile and her entire face lit up. That's exactly the reaction Sesshomaru wanted to see. That was why he said it. It had completely taken her mind off of Naraku.

They both would have been happy with either a boy or a girl. But just knowing what they were going to have brought a sense of excitement. Even to Sesshomaru.

He gently pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. Lyra closed her eyes as he moved his lips down to kiss her nose, then the corner of her mouth and finally her lips, each kiss making her forget about her vision more and more. She kissed him deeply, almost forgetting what his lips tasted like. The way he kissed her was simply and incredibly intoxicating. Especially the way he pushed his tongue into her mouth and increasing the passion. Just as things started to become heated, there was a knock at the door. They parted with a sigh and Lyra lay her head on Sesshomaru's chest as he called in whoever was at the door.

As the door slid open, Sabu entered and closed the door behind her.

She bowed. "Lord Sesshomaru. Lady Lyra." She stood straight again and looked directly at them with a worried expression. "I apologise for disturbing you but this simply could not wait."
Lyra lifted her head. "What is it, Sabu?"
The maid gulped. "It's about Josei."
"Is she okay?"
Sabu shook her head. "She's left. She's gone to inform Naraku that you're expecting, my Lady."

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