“I didn’t do anything, I swear to you. She attacked me! I would never in a million years do that to Tony!” he yelled back.

I stared at his pleading eyes for as long as I could bear them before looking out the window.

“You’re telling me you didn’t kiss her?” I asked, eyes still on the scenery outside the window.

“No, of course not. You know me Holls, you know I would never do that,” came his earnest reply.

Did I really know him, though?

“So you aren’t attracted to her?” I finally looked over at him, my head tilted slightly as I tried to decide if I could really believe him.

He laughed hard at that question before answering, “Not at all. I don’t even like blondes and I prefer a girl with real boobs personally. Also, not married is a must.”

I broke a small smile, relieved that he wasn’t interested in Sammie.

“I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. You’re my boss and I should have your back no matter what, anyway so I’m sorry James.”

He laughed again, even louder this time, “Holly, I am not, nor will I ever be your boss. We’re partners in this. It’s only been a little over four months and already I can’t figure out how I did anything without you...” he said before hesitating. “And what I love about you is your honesty. If you allowed me to do something you thought was wrong without saying something, you wouldn’t be you. And you, well… you’re the best Holls.”

We smiled at each other before I finally thanked him. I still felt guilty for assuming the worst before giving him a chance, but it was nice to hear how important I was in his life… his work life I reminded myself.

When we arrived at James’ place we hopped out. I walked over to my bike, ready to hop on and head to the Redbury so I could shower and go to sleep when he stopped me. I looked up, wondering what it was he needed.

He pulled me into a big hug for which I wasn’t prepared. It was our first hug; though I acted like myself around him, I made sure there was as little physical contact as possible, just in case. But, before I knew it, I was hugging him back; I couldn’t not, being in his arms just felt right. As the thought came into my head, an image of Jon holding me after watching 'Scream' came into my mind and I pulled back, not wanting to make the same mistake again.

“I have a surprise for you,” his voice was playful and excited, making me curious.

“What is it?” I asked skeptically.

“I’ll show you.”

He opened the front door and I followed him through the house into the back yard.

“Okay, what is it James?” I asked again, the anticipation making me anxious.

He smiled at me and nodded to the guest house. I looked up at him, confused. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the front door of the guest house before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a key. He placed it in the palm of the hand he’d been using to drag me. I simply stared at the key then back at him, noticing yet again the glistening in his pale eyes.

“Open it.”

I did as he asked and he pushed me in, trailing behind.

It looked great inside, like it had all been remodeled: granite counter tops, natural stone aggregate flooring, dark oak cabinets, new appliances, and from what I could see of the living room, kitchen and dining room, it was also entirely furnished.

“It’s beautiful in here. What’s this surprise, though?”

“For someone so intelligent, you’re awfully dense Holls. This is your surprise. I had a decorator come in during the days we’ve been filming to redo it. I’d like it if you moved in. I know you’ve been staying at the hotel and I figured you needed a real place and it’s close to work and you don’t have to pay me or anything. It would make things way easier and I’d love to have you close by. I worry about you being at that place all alone. And if you decide to buy a house later you can, but you’ll always have this place to stay at too if you work late. And I mean if you don't like something we can change it.” He was rambling and I was letting him as I tried to decide how I felt about the whole thing.

It was a sweet gesture, one he went to a lot of effort for. And I greatly appreciated it. It would be nice to have my own space and as busy as things had gotten, it’d be great to be able to just sleep right here. This would make work easier and I would feel safer in the house on the back of his huge gated lot.

At the same time it was familiar. I had lived with Jon too, though in the room next to him, not in a guest house. Not really the same, I told myself.

I debated on if this was leading me down the same road, but decided that this was completely different. James was a different person and I had become a different person too.

So I told him I loved it and that is how I ended up living in his guest house.

I knew that as long as I never kissed James and he never kissed me, we’d be fine. And I swore to myself that we would not kiss, ever.

Who'd of thought that only one week later, I would break that very promise.

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