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Luke Hemmings

"Niguel Harrison," The dean reeled off name after name in her monotone voice, calling up each graduate for their diploma. "Guiness Hathaway," I scan the list of names beginning with 'H' in the little directory they handed each guest as they walked through the doors. Luke should be coming up in a few. There were atleast 9 more names in front of him. "Fredrick Hatt,".

I searched through my phone's gallery and began to delete things. I wanted to make sure I had enough room on my phone's memory for photos and videos of Luke, Liz, Andrew, and the rest of the boys together.

I should really clean out my gallery more often... There's nothing but junk in here; a few selfies and adorable pictures from Tumblr, but nothing worth keeping. I mindlessly scroll through everything, not paying attention to much in an effort to hear for Luke's name. "Molly Heading," My heart skips a beat when I see the picture of Luke and I in front of Wiley's Backyard, a local teen club in Perth. That was the first time I met the boys and the night my feelings for Luke became clear as more than just a fangirl's crush. I remember I had waited hours outside of the club for them to come outside after their performance. They had become a hit in the city, so quite a lot of people had shown to hear them play. To avoid getting mobbed by fans after their set, they would have a security guard tell the fans the boys left immediately after, in hopes that fans would leave, while the boys were actually hidden inside the club.

I remember the exact moment I saw them. My eyes were wide at the sight of 5 Seconds of Summer and my mouth was dry. I was so nervous that I didn't say a word until they were half way down the street from me. I had to put on my big girl panties and make my way to my favorite band. I hadn't come all the way from Atlanta, Georgia to wait two hours outside of some low class teen hangout to not talk to them! I came to this country to meet them and so be it! I ran as fast as my little legs would take me, but unfortunately I was never very coordinated, and ended up tripping onto my face. The sound of my body slapping the ground caused them to stop and turn around. It was Luke who grabbed my hand to help me up and invite me to their show the next day as well. From the moment our hands touched and his dimpled face was inches from mine, the sparks were undeniable. It was one of the best incidents of my life.

"Lucas Hemmings," the dean said. I swear about ninety people stood and applauded for the lanky, blonde. The roar of the crowd made it impossible to hear Liz, Luke's mother, loudly crying on her husband, Andrew's shoulder. Photographers from numerous newspapers and tabloid magazines snapped photos of Luke and those who came, by personal invitation, to support him, although we had requested for this to be a private, family affair out of the spotlight. I felt tears roll down my cheeks as Luke's image shows on the big screen. A short slideshow displaying his time in uni plays. It was shorter than the slideshows that the other graduates had because he spent most of his time on tour not on campus doing college student things like picnicking on the campus green or going to school sporting events with his body painted for school spirit. It made me wonder if he regretted going on tour all those times instead of enjoying his youth.

Luke smiles and waves at the camera after shaking the deans hand in exchage for his diploma. I snap photos of everything for memories, although the paparazzi probably will have the better pictures up on the internet before I even get a chance to send these to Luke's family and the rest of the boys.

The rest of the ceremony goes by fairly slow. As soon as it's over, everyone files out of the stadium in a huge mob. Micheal waits for Luke by one entrance and Ashton by the other because we forgot which he said he'd come from. Calum, Liz, and Andrew wait by the car in the very front of the stadium. I find a shaded area to stand under while we wait. I have visited Australia about seven times and I'm still not used to this heat! Many of the graduation's guests are dressed in heavy fabrics and fancy clothing, despite the hundred degree weather. Liz tried to get me to purchase a very nice, navy blazer to wear with one of the longer skirts I packed, but I couldn't force myself to wear it in this dry heat! Instead I wore a simple, creme colored romper with a light floral print, chiffon kimono and wedges.

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