Chapter 4: The Hangover

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Christie's pov

I wake up in my bed with a pounding headache. Oh my god I will never drink again. I get up from out of my bed and walk to the bathroom.

I need some pills and water. I took like 3 of them and went back to my bed. I heard the door slam. "Must you slam the door Melanie" I said.

"Oh I'm sorry" she said as she sat on my bed. "How do you have so much energy" I asked her. "Oh it's this magical thing called coffee" Melanie said sarcastically.

"I have no time to be sarcastic with you. Can you please leave so I can sleep? Please and thank you." I responded.

Boy am I glad that today is Saturday and I have no classes today. She got off my bed and left my room.

I started to drift back to sleep.

Melanie's pov

Ok so Christie still sleep so what can I do in the mean time. I could go to the mall and go shopping but Christie loves going to the mall.

Christie why did you have to be asleep? Oh well she'll be alright.  Thank god I have a car. I got into my car and drove to the mall.

The first place I went when I arrived at the mall was go to Rue 21. I love Rue 21 its my favorite store. Too bad Christie couldn't come she also loves this store too.

I found lots of clothes, I even got Christie some clothes too. Because I know if I didn't she would get an attitude.

I went back to the dorm and I saw that Christie was up. "I see you finally have gotten up" I said. "Yes I have. So where were you?" Christie asked.

"I went to Rue 21" I said. Christie's face expression got like frozen. Then she spoke "you went to Rue 21 without me!!!" 

"Christie you wanted to sleep. But since I'm such a good friend I got you some clothes" I said.

"You did" Christie said with a smile on her face. "Yes with your rude self."

"Melanie I forgot to tell you I talked to Stephanie and Jasmine the other day" she said. "Oh my god how are they?" "They are doing good. They wanted to know how we were doing because they heard about the attacks here." Christie said.

"It's been a long time since I talked to them."

I made my way to the tv and turned it on. The first thing that popped up was a news reporter. They were talking about the attacks and safety precautions.

The reporter said no one out past 10 o'clock. Don't travel by yourself and there will be more security guards by the entrances of the campus and around the school.

Maybe Christie was right about it not being an animal. I mean it couldn't have been an animal. Otherwise they wouldn't take this many precautions.

"Christie do you think that this psychopath that's doing this will do it again" I asked. "Yes they probably will" she said with certainty.

I got to go to the store and the store is right down the street from the campus.

"Christie I will be right back I have to go to the store" I said. "Alright be careful and you better come right back" Christie said seriously. "I promise I will."

I walked outside and went down the street. It was hardly any people on the street. So I got in the store. All I had to get was some shampoo and stuff like that.

As soon as I paid for it I started to walk back to campus. You know that cliche part where you say I heard footsteps behind me and this person hit me over the head  and put me in the car and drove off.

That is the exact thing going through my mind.

I heard footsteps behind me and I looked back but no one was there.  I must be going crazy I thought to myself. I kept going my normal pace until I saw nothing but darkness.

There was a bag over my head or something like that. Then I felt someone pick me up and me being put into a car. What is happening?? I started to panic I heard a voice. It was man's voice. But they weren't that old. They sounded around my age.

Ok well Melanie you are going to die I thought to myself.

Christie's pov

It was way past 30 minutes. The store was only down the street. I'm a bit of pessimist and sometimes I only think the worst.

Why hasn't she came back yet? I called her phone and I heard a phone ringing coming from her room. It was Melanie's phone. Her dumb self left her phone here.

Ok calm down Christie I told myself. She is probably on her way.  And it's raining oh good god. Melanie your dumb self why did you have to go. I looked at the clock it was almost 10. Ok if she is not back in the next 2 minutes I'm calling the police.

Melanie's pov

I was in the trunk of a car or in the backseat all I know is that I was in the car. It was scary as hell. I heard various talking throughout the car. Oh my god I tried to scream but nothing came out. It was like my voice did not work.

Then the car stopped abruptly...

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