Chapters 2: Old Friends

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I looked at my phone and I saw a number I haven't seen in a long time. I inhaled and exhaled before pressing answer. When I pressed answer I heard a voice. "Hello" the voice said. It was my old friend Stephanie O'Ryan. Wow has it been a long time since I heard her voice.

"Hi" I responded nervously. It seems kind of weird talking to her. It has been at least 8 months since the last time we talked. "So how have you been? I mean I heard about the disappearances and attacks. Are you and Melanie alright? It all sounds so scary" she spoke.

Thanks for reminding me Stephanie. But she sounded so concerned. "We have been alright. And yes what has been happening on the campus is terrifying" I said. "Well, have you talked to Jasmine" she asked. "No I haven't. What about you?" I asked. "Occasionally I do" Stephanie answered. "I did talk to her yesterday though" she said.

"How is she" I asked. "Oh she is just fine" Stephanie stated. "And how are you" I asked her. "I'm good too. School is a lot of work and the parties are awesome." she responded. "Ok well I got to go to class. I'll call you later. Oh and it was good talking to you." I said. "It was good talking to you too. Bye." she said.

After that call I had put my phone in my pocket and headed to class. As I was walking to class I realized I talked to my friend. Oh and did it feel good talking to her. Well now tat I am taking a trip down memory lane. I might as well call Jasmine too. Well after class because I cannot be late to class.

The one time a person was late to class the professor had embarrased her in front of the room. So, I will not be late to class ever. I arrived to class on time thankfully. I sit in the back well very very back.

I know that people that sit in the back are the most likely to be called to answer questions. But this way I can talk to my friend without getting caught. Well sometimes I get caught but that doesn't matter.

Truth is I only kept my 3 best friends around me. Stephanie, Jasmine, and Melanie.

So that was all my classes for today. Yes only 2 classes. The perks of being in college I guess. I went back to my dorm and plopped down on my bed. I took my phone out and like I said went down memory lane and called Jasmine.

"Hello" Jasmine said. "Hey Jasmine It's Christie" I said to her. "Oh hey Christie how are you" she asked me. "Not so good if you have not heard about the attacks happening on campus" I said to her. "Oh yes I have heard about that. How are you and Melanie?

"Melanie is good very, very loud when she has her friends in her room. I mean she likes to have it when I'm trying to sleep. Takes time to look this good." I said laughing. "I see you have not changed at all Christie" Jasmine said.

"Is that a good thing or bad thing" I asked her. "It is a good thing. Why you think I am your friend? I mean you are pretty funny." she said.

"Oh thanks I'm blushing" I said. "I take back what I just said" she said. I started laughing. "Rude you so mean" I said sarcastically.

"Ok well I got to go. It was nice talking to you Christie." she said. "It was nice talking to you too" I said. And with that I ended the call.

I heard the door slam.  "Christie" Melanie shouted. She bust through my door and hopped on my bed. "What is it" I asked her.

"You will not believe what happened" she said excitedly. "What happened Melanie" I asked. "We got invited to a party by the hottest boys on campus" she screamed.

"Oh my God are you serious!!!!" I said. "Yes and the party is at 8 so we need to get ready. I looked at my clock. It was now 5:48. "Well what are we waiting for let's go" I said runing to the bathroom. I took another shower and stayed in there for like 30 minutes.

Then I flat ironed my hair and put eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick on. And finally put my outfit on. I walked to Melanie's room and asked if she was ready to go. It was now 8:02. she was ready and we walked out the door...

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