Raina looked at him, tears almost threatening to spill. "Thank you."

He gave a nod. "I had better let you get some rest. We don't want you slipping back again. You need to keep your strength."

"Alright. Thanks again." He nodded.

"Anytime." The two said they're goodbyes and she closed the door and locked it.


A few weeks later, Raina was good as new. She had just begun training Jacen again and was trying to get to know everyone. After General Solo and Leia got back from they're honeymoon Leia would drop by and visit Raina. Raina also finally got to meet Chewbacca and Leia's golden droid C3PO. He had actually been Master Skywalker's droid before, but he gave the droid to Leia, permanently, as a wedding gift.

Even though it had only been a couple weeks Raina was already starting to feel at home in the temple. She and Leia were already close and she enjoyed training Jacen.

As for her relationship with Master Skywalker. . .that was more complicated. He had been incredibly patient with her the past couple of weeks. He had also been very helpful. He had offered to train Jacen if she ever got too stressed, to tell her anything she wanted to know about the past five years, and even offered just to talk if she needed to.

Raina appreciated it all very much, but never seemed to feel comfortable to take him up on anything. It was very strange. Anytime she would begin to feel familiar with him or comfortable something inside her would draw her back. She felt bad honestly. He had been trying so hard to get back to the way they had been, best friends, but something inside her made her distant.

It was in the middle of the afternoon. Raina and Jacen were shopping in the market of CoCo Town on Coruscant. The town was slightly run down, but had a quaint feeling about it. There were tiny shops and diners around and a small indoor market. Raina especially liked it since she had so many good memories here. Memories of her father brining her here when she was a young girl, to get away from the bustle of the senate.

Raina and Jacen were walking by a booth when Raina saw a beautiful golden chain with a heart shaped emerald pendant hanging from it. She had never seen anything like it before, well she had once. Her father had given her mother a necklace exactly like it on her home planet of Alt Palmaré. It was beautiful.

Her mother had promised it to her and once she passed away Raina wore it to remember her by. Sadly while escaping with her father to Ashoka's she lost it. It was the last thing she had of her mother and it was gone forever.

Raina picked it up gently and gazed upon it. Jacen stood next to her.

"That's very pretty." He commented.

She nodded. "It is. . ."

Just then a woman who was working the booth came up to them.

"I see you've spotted our emerald necklace." She smiled.

Raina nodded. "I have. It's very beautiful."

The lady nodded. "It is. It's also very unique. The only ones of that kind were mined on the planet of Alt Palmaré during the old Republic. Only a few pieces of Alt Palmaré emerald jewelry are sold to the public. The rest was taken by the Empire and used for Imperial uses only."

Raina knew all of this of course, but only nodded.

"How much is it?" She asked.

"Five hundred credits."

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now