Book of Mormon: Gay Usernames and Math

Start from the beginning


You figured me out


Not that hard, you don't have very much depth


i object


Too bad


and i thought you were nice


I'm not. I basically said 'fuck off' to an entire religion


which one


I was going to be a mormon


i dont belive it

in an alternate universe we were mission partners


No way


some called me the best mormon of my generation

of course that was before i came out as the gayest


Ha ha


i have 2 go my roomie is yelling at me

i expect to finish this conversation

Connor quit the browser and leaned back in his chair. That was not the expected result. Something about that person intrigued Connor, it was probably stupid to get attached to someone he didn't even know the name of, but Connor wasn't known for his good decisions. He probably would lose contact with them within a week.


That didn't happen. They kept messaging, James like to tease him about his crush on someone he knew near nothing about, but that wasn't true. The only thing Connor didn't know was their name and where they lived, other than that he knew everything. He knew they had a weird obsession with Disney, he knew they were half addicted to coffee, he even knew they had brown eyes

"Dude this is ridiculous" James shut Connor's laptop and sat on top of his desk "You're pining after a guy you don't even know the name of"

"So?" Connor tried to open his laptop, but James leaned against it.

"It's stupid. When was the last time you went out with a real guy?" James asked

"Last week"

"I don't count" James clarified.

"Uh..." Connor blanked "Give me a sec"

"That's it" James pulled Connor's laptop into his lap.

"What are you doing?" Connor asked. His friend had some terrible idea and he had a feeling this was one of them. When James continued typing he rolled his eyes "You realize everything is password protected"

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