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C: And even if we were dating are fans and fellow band members would be the first to know because we know that you would be very supportive of us

G: The pictures are real but we weren’t getting close at the 1975’s performance we had to stand close together as did everyone else and we were just having a meal as friends.

B: Don’t believe everything you see on the internet or read in magazines because the chances are that the facts have been twisted

L: If you have any questions to ask us then please sent them to us and we will try and answer as many of them as we can and then after the Q and A we will have to go because we need to travel back down to London

Br: Right this question says what celebrity would you date? Well you all know mine but I’ll say it anyway, Zooey Deschanel

S: Do I have to pick one because I have a top 50

G: Yes you are only allowed to pick one

S: Fine then it will have to be Riker Lynch from R5

B: mines Harry styles

G: I love Ross lynch so yeah

L: If we are only allowed to pick one then I am going with Dougie Poynter from Mcfly who I have had the biggest crush on since Mcfly was formed

T: Yeah I have quite a lot as well but at the moment probably Iggy Azalea

J: mines Taylor Swift as you all probably already knew

C: Mila Kunis

T: This next question says play snog, marry, fuck and avoid with the other band, Right so I would have to snog Brooke, marry Lauren, fuck Sara and I really don’t want to but I would avoid Georgina

Br: I would snog Lauren, marry Sara, fuck Brooke and avoid Georgina

G: Oh thanks the pair of you (Sarcatic)

J: do I have to avoid someone cant it just be stay friends

T: no we had to avoid someone so there’s no way you are getting out of this Jems

J: snog Sara, marry Brooke, fuck Lauren and avoid Georgina, sorry

C: snog Lauren, marry Georgina, fuck Brooke and avoid Sara, sorry Sara I do love you really

S: I am never speaking to you again Connor Ball (laughing)

S: Right I would snog James, Marry Brad, fuck Tristan and avoid Connor because he avoided me first (giggling) what would you do Lauren?

L: Erm ... I would snog Brad ...I think I would marry James because he would be the best husband, fuck Tristan and avoid Connor not that I want to because he is so adorable and is one of my best mates

B: I would probably do the same as Lauren to be honest

G: I would snog James, marry Connor, fuck Tristan and avoid Brad

J: Sorry guys but we only have time for one more question

B: I just seen a good one it says Sunday skyline when are you going to release your single? I think that will be sometime next month and also the vamps are releasing their video for somebody to you so you lovely fans have two things to look forward to

All: Bye guys hope everything has been cleared up and you know understand what is going on, love you all

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