Chapter 34: Celebi

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Well, looks like I get my say in this now. Hello world, my name is Thalia Verekon. I am a Jolteon, and the Third General of Nishat. Not to mention girlfriend of Raiden Athlai. I doubt you want to go in depth about me, at least, for right now, so I'll spare the details. I'll jump right on in for all of you that want to know what's going on. So, after I was able to convince Lilith to stop strangling my boyfriend, we were called in by Caius and Sarah after Kathrin had returned. She had brought a few materials as well from the marketplace. We were informed that we were going to depart in an hour, but I'm speaking past terms here. I was a little bit disappointed that we weren't staying for longer. It was a nice inn, but we all have places to be, or to be exact, time to be. According to Shaymin, the trip to Mythic Forest would only take us two to three hours to reach. Or if we really booked it, thirty to forty-five minutes. As we gathered everything we needed, Caius and the others waved farewell to a Weavile named Clark, and we made our way out of the city of Ake. Apparently, the generals of Karma are well known in the city for helping them with multiple problems in the past. One of which, from what I overheard, was a problem with bandits. We weren't too concerned with time, so we took our time to just soak in the scenery, which was all fine with me. I occasionally caught Caius and Sarah talking with each other, but I focused more on current priorities, like Raiden and I. We had only been about an hour or maybe even an hour and a half into our travels.

"Hey Raiden."

"What's up Thalia?" Raiden asked. I walked a little closer to him.

"What do you have in mind for after we find your parents?" I asked. "I mean, why else would you go back in time?"

"Well one," Raiden began. "I get to see and be with my brother again. Two, we can get the family re-united, and hopefully be together for the rest of our lives, and three," He looked out towards Caius. "Someone's got to make sure he doesn't try and do something rash."

"Alright, now answer my previous question." I said. "What are you going to do after you find your parents?"

"Well," Raiden said. "I do have some plans." He looked at me with a smile on his face. I knew he was holding back.

"Like what?" I questioned.

"Well, if you really must know," Raiden said playing ignorance. "I've got a certain event in the future that I plan on fulfilling with a certain individual."

"Oh? Do tell." I said. Raiden smiled, then faced forward.

"Now where's the fun if I can't have my own secrets?" Raiden asked. "Besides, I think there are some things that would be better off unspoken." I frowned a little bit, but regained my composure. I'd let him have this one, but I would get him later on.

"Could you at least tell me who this certain individual is?" I asked. Raiden looked down at me, and I did my best to give him the best Baby-Doll Eyes I could muster. It was working according to the look I was getting from Raiden. "Please?" Raiden let out a groan of discomfort before throwing his hands up.

"Alright! You don't need to do that!" Raiden said. I smiled and chuckled a little bit. I walked closer to Raiden, almost to where my fur was making contact with his leg.

"So, who's this individual you're talking about?" I asked. Before I could register what was going on, I felt my legs being taken from under me as I was lifted into the air. I was now eye level with Raiden.

"If you must know." Raiden said. "It concerns a certain Jolteon that I've been with for a while now. And not just any Jolteon either, one that I've been dating for a while now." My ears twitched upwards.

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