Chapter 33: Plan for the Future

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My dream was hazy, but I could make it out. I could see multiple images flashing before my eyes. One of what appeared to be some kind of mountain with a large crack near the base of it. A forest surrounded the area, and I saw my point of view rush into the crevice. I then saw what looked like an ocean with an endless sea. The sea looked like it was reflecting the sunlight with its harshest rays. The only thing that interrupted its normal shifts was a large... ship? As I went to lean in to get a better view, I felt my footing was taken from under me as I crashed into the ocean. Under the ocean, I saw some sort of structure with a whole bunch of shadows, moving from one location to another. I felt my body quickly hoisted into a large building that on first look, looked like the building where a ruler would be waiting. As I emerged from the darkness in there, I saw that there were multiple beings on a hill, but they were too far for me to make them out. Suddenly, something exploded from right in the middle of them, engulfing the area around them quickly in the aftermath. I tried to run, but I was caught in the blast and fell through the ground! As I fell, I suddenly found myself in the sky, falling towards a large platform with figures crashing into each other, attacking relentlessly. I fell down onto the platform they were all on. As I pushed myself up, I noticed one figure was looking at me. It came at me with blindingly fast speed! All I saw was something crash into me as I was flung back. I was backflipping in the air, and I expected to hit the ground! I felt myself slow in the air until I stopped spinning backwards. As I looked around, I found myself surrounded in darkness. I couldn't see anything else in here with me, but I could hear something. A faint whisper...

"Die. Die. Die. Die." I looked around to see where it was coming from, but then my eyes found two pairs of eyes staring directly at me. I froze in fear, then something started charging towards me. Something large, red, and reminating with a dark black aura. I couldn't move, too caught up in fear to react. It stretched out what looked like a claw.

"Your future is sealed!" The claw swung down on me. As it made contact, I shot out of bed, breathing heavily for air. As I was sitting up, I looked around and saw I was back in the inn. Everyone was still asleep, but the day was just starting to appear over the horizon. I wiped the sweat of my head with my claw.

"That was one bad dream." I mumbled to myself. As I looked around, I gave a sigh. I needed to clear my head. With everyone still asleep, I had to creep a little bit to avoid waking them up. Going through the building, the best thing to calm me down was probably a nice hot shower. It'd help me clear my mind and get prepared for the day. I walked around the inn until I found the room with the shower in it. Once then, I got prepared.


My eyes twitched open when I felt something brush my nose a little. As my eyes slowly opened up, I saw Ayah looking at me. Her red eyes caught me a little off guard, causing me to almost flinch off the bed. Thankfully I stopped myself before doing that. As I started to wake myself up more, I looked at Ayah, a tad bit upset that I was awoken.

"Sorry to wake you, but everyone else is up and moving around." Ayah said.

"Then why did you have to wake me up to tell me that?" I asked groggily. Ayah shrugged, then jumped off the bed. I tried to position myself in bed to go back to sleep, but I couldn't do it. Sighing, I got out of bed, and walked down the hallway to get some breakfast. My mind couldn't help but trail back to the question Caius asked last night. Eventually, I got tired of trying to block it out and just decided to think about it for a second. If I taught him how to read thoughts, then he would probably end up reading everyone's thoughts. I'd have to break it to him. It's just something I couldn't do. At least, not yet. I looked around for him after getting a quick bite. I ran into Kathrin who was walking out the door. "Hey Kathrin?"

Quest for Life, Part 1 ( A Pokémon Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu