Chapter 1: The Search

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"Well, what now?" Sarah asked.

"Now we make our way towards Celebi." I said clipping my scythe to my back.

"Yeah, but do any of us know where to find him?" Lilith asked in depth. We stood in silence for a minute, waiting for someone to respond.

"Nobody knows?!" Kathrin implied quickly.

"Relax, Hoopa couldn't have put us too far from her." I said calming Kathrin down. "Why don't you fly up and tell us where we are?"

"Alright," Kathrin sighed, "but when I come back down, I'm expecting answers about everything you haven't explained yet." Kathrin flapped her wings and started to fly into the sky. Seconds later, she plunged back down, landing right where she flew off.

"Any idea?" Sarah asked.

"We're directly south of a village, maybe they can point us in a direction." Kathrin said pointing through the forest.

"It's a better place to start than nowhere." Lilith said looking into the forest.

"Guess we're off then." I said making a few steps.

"Not so fast Caius, tell us the rest of what happened." Kathrin said catching me in the act. I stopped in my tracks, hoping I could avoid the subject seemed to be not possible. With a sigh, I turned back around.

"Alright, what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Everything." Kathrin replied.

"Alright, where to start." I said trying to remember where I left off. "I think I remember telling you about what's inside the satchel, and about how I'm able to understand you all."

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Sarah said sitting down.

"So, who is this book supposed to go to? Certainly, if Yveltal is having us run out to Hoopa and now Celebi, it's got to be important." Carinthia said looking at the satchel.

"Under direct orders, only us and our contact may see what the book and the letter says." I said discreetly. "But our contact is a long-lost rival named Xerneas."

"Xerneas?!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Yep, this is to make it to her, and no one else is to know what's inside the book besides us and her." I verified.

"But Xerneas has been gone for such a long time! She's finally returned?!" Sarah said excitedly.

"Yes and no." I replied. "At least to what our leader has said. Beyond that, he wasn't too descriptive of her." This raised confusion in the air. I wish I could help, but I didn't know anything at all to help put our minds at ease.

"Alright, so what else?" Kathrin asked still confused.

"Well, I also have our leaders' power, and maybe his intelligence and his speed as well." I said a bit grimly. Everyone looked at me in astonishment. They knew this could only mean one thing.

"Does that mean that you also ..." Carinthia began.

"Share his life? Yes." I finished. I sat down on the ground, my scythe preventing me from sitting up straight. "And I'll share the same fate as him if he passes on. Everything to the smallest detail, except I won't know when I'll wake up." They continued to stare at me, their faces, not changing from the shock. "You know, I always envied how you all live for so long compared to me, I guess it's nice to finally be up to speed with all of you." I intended for it to be a joke, but I guess it got the wrong impression. They stared at each other for a second, then looked back to me. This felt really awkward, I knew I shouldn't have told them, but they weren't going to let up until I told them. "Come on," I said standing up, "let's get to this village as quickly as possible. Every moment counts."

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