I didn't know they had such a close relationship. You don't treat people who are professionally involved with you that way, and definitely not someone like Frederick Hershel. It must have something to do with him being Dr. Hershel's prodigy.  Vennberg seemed furious with him though. You could see the veins popping out of his forehead and his hands were formed in fists now. He also looked a bit scared, but why?

"You need to get over it. God knows how much I love you, son. But you need to move on, Ethan. I mean it. You'll go or else you'll lose your job, and I'm talking about the one you've earned at the hospital. And that's the end of it." Dr. Hershel stated with finality, but you could still find concern on his voice and eyes.

Dr. Hershel made his way to the door, it only gave me less than three seconds to re-compose myself and act as if I just had gotten there.

"Well, hello there, miss?" He asked right when his eyes landed on me, noticing my presence as he held the door for me to walk into the office.

"Amalia. Amalia Knox, sir." I answered nervously. I knew he was going to bring my mother up. And it was something I really didn't want to talk about. Not now.

Not when his birthday was tomorrow.

"Ah, of course. I couldn't mistake a Knox even from a mile away. I'm glad you're following your mother's steps. Elizabeth is an old friend of mine whom I admire a lot. Send her my regards, will you?" He said.

"Of course." How could I tell him I don't even talk to my own mother?

He didn't mention my father. No one ever did. Which I'm thankful for.

"Alright then. Take care." He said, nodding my way and then looking back to the professor to give him a warning look, reminding him of their recent conversation.

I only looked up when the door shut. Vennberg was now a bit calmer. He still looked angry, but his eyes softened when he saw me.

"Everything alright, sir?" He looked up at me, knowing that I had witnessed his conversation with Dr. Hershel.

He half-smiled and decided to ignore my question. Sitting back on his desk.

"Elizabeth Knox's daughter, huh? I can't believe how I didn't think of it before." He said, giving me a ravishing smirk.

"Yeah. The one and only." A crimson color tinted my cheeks . "I don't really like people finding out about it. It makes them completely change how they view me. It's like I'm no longer me, I'm just an extension of my mother." I didn't know why I had given out that piece of personal information, but something about him told me I could confide in him. "Anyways, I believe you wanted to speak with me."

"Yes. And don't worry, your secret is safe with me." He assured me, talking about my mother. I smiled at him thankfully. He gestured for me to sit down opposite him. I wasn't nervous anymore. Something told me he wasn't going to kick me out. "I wanted to talk about the other day at the hospital," he started. "You really surprised me down in the OR, your presence was actually quite helpful. Even better than most of my interns. You had determination and you were eager to learn, which I appreciate." He paused, looking at me. His blue orbs bored into my brown ones. I couldn't help how drawn I felt to him.

"Thank you, sir. It means a lot." I told him. It really did. He was someone I've looked up to ever since I had consciousness of what I wanted to study. This alone was almost unreal. I never thought I would be here, sitting down right across from him, being adulated by the man and feeling un-proudly attracted to Dr. Vennberg himself. But again, I never thought he would be this handsome.

"You're welcome. Well, I haven't got to my point yet. What I really called you up here for is because I want to make you an offer." He said this slower, his voice husky, I was in absolute daze. "One that it's exceptional and won't ever be brought up again." He said, looking intently at me.

"An offer?" I said. I felt the temperature rise and I suddenly found it hard to breathe.

"I want you to come to the hospital with me every single Friday. You know, scrub in on my surgeries and if I don't have any, I could take you up to the gallery and let you watch my colleagues perform theirs." With this, he stood up and walked over to me. "You don't have to give me an answer just now,-"

I cut him off. "Are you kidding?-I mean, yes! Of course,- I would love to go to the hospital with you every single Friday. Yes. Thank you." I said, almost too excited.

He smiled at me. "Great. You do understand this has to be kept as a secret? I don't need any rumors nor drama under my name." God his smile was beautiful.

"I understand."

"Well then, I'll see you tomorrow in class, Miss Knox." He held his hand for me to shake. To seal the deal. He took my hand in his. I felt instant electricity running down our connected hands. Instead of shaking I just stood there, dumbfounded. Enjoying the small touch. He must've felt it too.

We just stared at each other for what felt like ages.

"I-I'll better get going," My voice cracked the moment, it barely made a sound. Vennberg released my hand, giving me an amused look by my obvious reaction.

He didn't say anything.

I made my way to the door, feeling like I was going to faint. "Amalia?" His husky voice resonated through the entire room.

"Y-yes?" I was too anxious to look back at him, but I still did. He scanned me up and down. His eyes flickered and saw something that could be taken by desire. He looked like a predator. I gulped.

"Don't forget to bring your advance on the essay tomorrow."

Unassailable: The professor.Where stories live. Discover now