Lion Shifter

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My eyes roamed the spines of the thick books lining the wooden shelves. I hissed in annoyance, my eyes shifting into my lion wyes briefly before returning to normal as I scanned the titles.

Living life as a vegetarian Vampire

Songs for Sirens

A Book for Mermaids: Why You Should Never Touch The Surface

101 Reasons why Haku cannot be considered a Dragon

What to Eat and What Not to Eat as a Fae

Don't Bring Your Werewolf to the Vet!

How NOT to Hurt your Human

100 Ways to Kiss your Grim Reaper lover without Dying

Why You Shouldn't Bring Your Fork When Shopping: Rules for Devils

A Guide book for Angels: Caring for your Wings

Zeus Chronicles Book 3: How to Adult

I sighed, my claws gently scraping the spines of the books. There was never a book for lion shifters. Not even one book. None. Zero. Blank.

Me being born as a lion shifter was somewhat a surprise. Even to my own family. I came from a family from a very long line of feline shifters, with the very first shifter from the 2nd generation. I was a member of the 52nd generation so it no surprise that I was born a feline shifter. The thing was, every single feline shifter in my family were either tigers or jaguars. The unfortunate, weaker ones were born as lynxes or wildcats. But here I was, born as a lion. A type of feline that had never been born in my family.

Until me.

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