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Every warrior was made to memorise a set of rules regarding their Alpha. The rules vary from pack to pack. Her pack rules were ruthless.

Never look directly into the eyes of the Alpha.
Always bow before the Alpha.
Never eat in the same place as the Alpha and Luna.
Never eat before the Alpha and Luna.
Always greet the Luna.
When guarding the Luna, never talk to her.
Do not ignore the Alpha's command.
Do not cut off when the Alpha or Luna is speaking.
Do not question the question the Alpha.
Prepare to lose your lives willingly for the Alpha and Luna.
The Alpha's words are law.

She could handle the tough rules. She could stomach the harsh punishments given when one of the rules were broken. She was the one who carried out the punishments on the pack members; the one who held the whip, the one who inflicted the torturous punishments on her fellow pack members till their backs were in ribbons and bleeding. She could stand the pressure brought about as Head Warrior. She could stand not seeing her family for long periods of time.

But she could not handle seeing her friend being brutally punished for simply coughing while the Alpha was speaking.

So she ran.

But the rules did not say to never fall in love with an Alpha.

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