The Typical Hallway Slipping Scene

28 1 0

25 November

Dear diary,

We have an advanced mathematics test today! And oh my god, I have totally forgotten about it!

I dashed past the other students, my advanced mathematics materials clutched against my chest tightly. My mind was too wired up to think of anything else and could only form one coherent sentence: Get to the classroom ASAP and start cramming math formulas as much as possible.

I was so focused on getting to my classroom that I did not even notice the neon yellow sign on the floor. My world spun as I slipped and crashed right onto the sign with the words 'Slippery!' written in ketchup red on it. My eyes had shut themselves instinctively as I awaited the painful impact of my back hitting the floor. To my surprise, I felt none. I slowly peeled my eyelids open and locked gazes with a pair of dark brown eyes. The almond-shaped eyes crinkled at the sides as the guy shot me a gentle smile, asking in his baritone voice, "Are you alright?"

I gulped and clutched my advance math textbook tighter, my heart pounding from our close proximity. I nodded gingerly and he slowly helped me up till I was standing. My knees were still shaking from the shock of nearly breaking my spine earlier so he wrapped an arm around my waist. He forced me to lean against his side and I was going to protest but he shushed me instead. I could feel the numerous stares of the other students watching the scene go on, their stares burning holes into my denin jacket. Some of their stares flashed hatred but majority shone with curiosity.

Feeling conscious of the stares, I pressed myself against my mystery saviour's side, feeling his arm hold me against him tighter. His arm felt muscular but not overly muscular. Just the right amount of muscles that will attract all the single and not-so-single ladies but not intimidate them at the same time. His large hand was holding me against him securely, his thumb rubbing circles on my waist. The warmth from his hand seeped through my t-shirt and sent tingling feelings spreading throughout my body. Heat crawled up my neck and spread to my cheeks as my heart started to pound.

That was the start of our story.


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