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I stabbed my fork angrily into my plate of spaghetti, the fork tearing through a clueless meatball. I watch my boyfriend, no, ex-boyfriend flirting with his new girl, feeling my sour mood turn bitter. My ex-boyfriend had found a new girl to be with mere hours after breaking up with me so casually like it was no big deal. My friend, Claire, was trying to console me but to no avail. She was waving her hands weirdly at me but I ignored her.

I stabbed my fork into the spaghetti once more as I watched my ex-boyfriend plant ridiculously loud kisses on his new girlfriend's, Mina, forehead. A loud splat was heard but I simply ignored it.

I froze and heard a familiar, deep voice shouted out loud, the voice sounding furious, "WHAT THE HELL?!"

I whipped my head around to look at the next table only to see him standing up, a meatball on the table and a spaghetti sauce trail on his face. He was glaring at me, his eyes blazing and if looks could kill, I would have been a roasted human by now.

I gaped at the sight of him. I gulped nervously.

"Oh shit."

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