Chapter 13 - Set up's and Dates

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  Ariela's P.O.V
     "So Zach, do you have any hot friends?" Asked Brooke.

      I bit my lip to hold in my laughter and watched Brooke stare at Zach eagerly.

       "I do, my two friends came with me to this town. There names are Lewis and Jack." He said.

    "Cual está más guapo Ari. Lewis o Jack?" Brooke asked me.

    I started laughing and Zach sighed.

  "Please do not answer that." He said.

  Wait, is he getting jealous? That is so cute.

"Aww, are you getting jealous?" I asked while pinching his cheeks.

"A little bit, I just do not want to hear you tell her how hot my friends are." He said.

Brooke leaned forward on the table with a grin on her face.

¨ So your friends are hot. On a scale of one through ten how hot are they?" She asked.

    "Again, please do not answer that." Said Zach to me.

    "Nah pretty boy, I was asking you, so how hot?" She insisted.

    I started to laugh at how persistent my friend is.
     "I'm not going to answer that but I will tell you this, go for Jack." Said Zach.

     "Would you introduce us?" Asked Brooke excitedly.


    I felt Zach's hand grab mine from under the table. I looked at him and smiled.

    "Ya me cayó bien tu novio. Es buena persona. También es muy simpático."
Said Brooke.

    "Nomas dices eso porque te va presentar con su amigo. Te voy a decir que su amigo está alto y está bonito." I told her while laughing.

   Zach looked over at me with a confused look probably wondering why I was laughing.

   "I'll tell you later." I told him with a smile.

   There was a moment of silence until Brooke spoke.

   "So, when can I meet your friend?" She asked.

    Zach looked at his phone and began to type a message. He waited for a while and his phone beeped as he read the incoming message.

   "After we finish eating if you both would like."

  Brooke got excited and scarfed down what was left on her plate. She stood up and put her plate away.

    "Both of you need to hurry up then, I need to change and look presentable." She Said then she ran to the bedroom.
      I started laughing at how silly she was. Zach leaned across the table and cupped my hand.

   "Brooke looks so much like you." He told me.

    "I know, a lot of people would ask us if we were sisters."

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