Chapter 7-Morning dances & kisses

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    I woke up at nine and I got up to make breakfeast. The house was quiet, so my aunt was probably at work already. I heard snoring, and I remembered last night. A smile came to my face instantly.  Opening up to him felt so easy last night. I looked at him to see him sleeping peacefully. His hair was messy and fell on his face.  I didn't want to look like a creeper, so I went to the kitchen. I took out eggs, cheese, and ham from the fridge. I took my phone out and clicked on my Grease playlist, and I started to make breakfeast.

  Zach's P.O.V.

   I woke up to music from Grease and I smelled a delicious aroma. I put on my pants and walked out of the room. I followed the aroma to the kitchen and smiled at Ariela, who was singing and dancing to 'Hoplessly devoted to you'. She had such a beautiful voice. The song ended and the next one played. 'Your the one that I want' came on and Ariela squealed. She must really love this song. I smiled at her and decided to make my presence know.

  "I got chills, there multiplying and I'm loosing control cause the power you're supplying, its electrifying," I sang and Ari looked at me.

  She smiled and continued the song.

   "You better shape up cause I need a man and my heart is set on you. You better shape up you better understand to my heart I must be true.  Nothing left," She sang and I joined in.

  "Nothing left for me to do. You're the one that I want. Ooo ooo oo. The one that I want oo ooo oo the one I need, oh yes indeed," We sang that part without breaking eye contact.

At this point I had my arm wrapped around her waist and I leaned towards her again. I wanted to kiss her pink lips. I was so close to kissing her, until the fire alarm went off.

"Shit!" She exclaimed as we turned to see the pan on fire. She found a fire extinguisher and extinguished the fire. She put the fire out and started laughing. I smiled at her craziness. She was perfect and her laugh was beautiful.

"You made me burn the breakfast," She said while laughing.

"me? You got distracted," I told her jokingly.

"your the one that wanted to sing along," She said.

    I got closer to her and I grabbed her waist lightly.

  "It's not my fault that you're the one that I want," I said while closing the space in between us and kissing her.

      Ariela's P.O.V.
I got lost in the kiss. It felt perfect and I could get use to him kissing me. He pulled away and he had a smile on his face. I probably had a smile on my face aswell. I remembered I was cooking, so I quickly served each of us a plate.

   "Sit," I told him while handing him his plate.

I grabbed two cups and filled them with water. I sat down and gave him his water. I started to eat, but then I realized that he was still shirtless. I soon forgot about my breakfeast and I focused on his abs. He was perfectly tan. I also loved the way his muscles moved as he ate. I'm being pervy again.

    "Are you distracted?" Asked Zach with a smirk.

   "Yes," I said honestly.

  He laughed and stood up. He went to the room and came back with a shirt on.

   "Your mean," I said while sticking my toungue out at him.

   "You're food was going to get cold if you kept staring at me," He said causing me to laugh.

  He did have a point. After we both finished eating I placed the dirty dishes im the sink.
    "What do you want to do today?" He asked.

I thought he would have gotten tired of me by now.

   "Don't you want to be with your friends?" I said.

"I see them everyday. I'm only going to see you one summer," He said.

    "Okay, what should we do today then?" I asked with a smile.

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