Chapter 3 - Kisses & odd looks

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After we got dressed I led him back to my home. It felt weird to walk since my clothes were soaked. Zach looked hot though. His shirt stuck to his abs perfectly.

"What do you want for lunch?" I asked him.

"Surprise me," he said.

I knew exactly what to make him.

"Are you allergic to anything?" I asked him.

I felt his hand encase mine. I loved the warmth I got from his hand.

"No, I am not," he said.

"Okay, let's make a quick stop." I said.

I led him towards a small grocery store. We got weird looks as we walked in. I couldn't help but laugh at the looks we were getting. Zach looked at me strangely.

"What's funny?" He asked.

"Look at the looks were getting," I whispered to him.

"Why are you whispering? I'm sure none of them can understand us," he said.

He did have a point.

"You're right," I said

"Let them stare," he said.

I walked towards the meat section and grabbed two pounds of meat. I grabbed some green onions, and white rice.

I looked towards Zach to see him leaning against a wall.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready," I told him with a smile.

I payed for everything and we continued the journey to my house.

"Your house is nice," complimented Zach once we arrived.

My house has six rooms in total. There was a fence that surrounded my house and patio. The patio had a roof and three hammocks. There was a table by one of the hammocks.

"So, you grew up in this house?" He asked.

"Sorta." I replied.

"That's cool. So, where's that lunch you promised me?" He asked.

I led him through a door and towards the kitchen.

"Have a seat," I said while going through the stuff I bought.

I seasoned the meat and I let it cook for a while. I put the green onions with the meat and let it cook. I poured two cups of rice into a pot with water letting it boil. After the food was cooked I put some on two plates.

"Let me help you," said Zach as he stood up and grabbed the plates.

"Thank you," I said.

I grabbed two cups and filled them with water.

"Here you go," I said while giving him a cup.

"Thank you," He said.

I sat down and we both started eating. After we finished eating, Zach helped me wash the dishes.

"Lunch was delicious," he said as I put the clean dishes away.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I told him.

"You know what I would enjoy," he said while turning to face me.

We were both facing each other, and I was leaning against the fridge.

"What would you enjoy?" I asked.

"This," he said while grabbing my cheeks and leaning forward to kiss me.

"Wow," I said after he pulled away.

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