"So what you're saying is I'm special? I, Thalia Lively, get to touch the Nathan Reyes' hair?" I gasped and started fake fan-girling which made him shake his head in amusement and shove me in the stomach lightly. Since I was standing and he was sitting, I was looking down at him smiling. "Well okay fine then, since you wanna push me away I'll stop." I said dramatically, clearly joking around and his arm flew out and hooked around my waist just before I could leave.

"No." He whined and pulled me back towards him, placing me in between his legs, while still keeping his arm around me. I ignored the butterflies in my stomach, that shouldn't exist might I add, and continued making my masterpiece with his hair. I didn't put any product in his hair because it's naturally so soft and the curls were so defined. I jumped when the door bell rang, and he groaned while resting his head on my stomach.

"C'mon let's go." I said softly while stepping away and pulling him from his seat. He complied and followed me out of my room and down the stairs, both of us grabbing everything necessary. Our phones, jackets, wallets, etc. He grabbed his bag that he brought with him and pulled on his black jacket.

"We're leaving now Nonna, love you!" I yelled to Nonna and heard a 'bye, be careful' in return. I opened the door and a very excited Riley entered my vision within seconds.

"Are ya ready?" She asked and I nodded while looking back at Nathan who finished putting on his shoes.

"I'll drive." Nathan said, and we both agreed since neither of us wanted to drive at the moment. I sat in the passenger seat and Riley say in the back, immediately going on her phone and I looked back at her amusingly.

"Whatcha smiling at? Is a certain someone texting you?" I teased her and she didn't bother hiding her smile.

"Tell Emmett I said hi." Nathan joined the teasing towards Riley.

"Not you too." She complained and sunk back into her seat. I chuckled then turned back around to face forwards, reaching over to turn on the radio. "No, Nathan do you have an aux cord?" Riley stopped me and leaned forward in her seat to pop up in between Nathan and I.

"Yeah," he said while reaching over to give it to her, and she accepted it happily. I kept my eyes trained on the window after that, there was just a feeling you sometimes get when you drive around during the evening.

"What movie are we watching?" Nathan asked me over Riley's music but she turned it down a bit as we spoke. Her focus was fixated on her phone so she wasn't paying attention to us anymore.

"I don't know to be honest, we made this plan pretty last minute." I admitted and he shook his head while lazily driving, having one hand on the wheel while the other pushed his hair back. I could watch him do that all day, I don't know why I found it attractive.

His phone buzzed and he looked down at it then back at the road. "Can you answer it?" He asked me and I nodded, reaching over for his phone that rested on his lap. He could've easily just handed it to me but he just happened to have both hands on the wheel now. I grabbed his phone but made sure my hand graced his leg, just to get revenge for earlier today. This is only the start.

He gulped and I smirked, feeling like I had control now but he shook off his reaction then nodded looking over at me briefly. "So that's how it's gonna be now, huh?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I denied innocently, looking back at him with a smirk and he fought his smile.

"Mhm," he hummed. I looked down at his phone and realized I didn't have his password so I held it out for him, to unlock it. He wasn't paying attention to me so I grabbed his hand and tried taking his thumb to use his fingerprint as a way to unlock it. He let go of the wheel with the hand I grabbed and allowed me to use his thumb and once I unlocked it, I went to put his hand back on the wheel. However he has other plans since he intertwined his hand with my left hand and rested it in the middle of us. I bit my lip and looked over at him but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking forwards but had a silent smile on his face.

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