Chapter 34: Fight or Flight

Start from the beginning

I'm afraid, but I'm tired of doing nothing about my fear. I'll regret not taking action more than any mistake I might make along the way. Everything is for us.

Yes, he was satisfied seeing that and knowing from now on, it was a real concept which was accepted and valued; us.

Gratefully Yours,


Will stood from his desk and looked around his room for a moment. Was this the last morning he'd ever wake up in the home he'd had for years? Was this the last time he'd ever see his room? It was familiar and comforting.

But this room was where he'd returned after suffering outside for hours, scared because he'd accidentally touched Augustus's hand. The same room Augustus had been forced out of after his mother invaded his privacy and physically attacked them.

Still, this was the same room he'd been in when Augustus had said 'I love you.' for the first time ever. The bed where they'd snuggle up and ignore the rest of the world for hours.

He grabbed his satchel and had to make a choice--what did he need to save? He had enough money for things like new clothes and other necessities. This was packing things with emotional value.

His journal. The Iliad and Symposium. A few other books, plus his birthday gifts from his sisters and Mary. He realised he needed to pack things Augustus wanted so he took his satchel too. His various mementos, all of his writings and a King James Bible he'd given him months ago.

It was half past six AM as he nervously sauntered to his sisters room. Mary had left the courthouse with her parents, so it was just Lily and Elizabeth again. Was this the last time he would see either of his sisters?

He quietly entered the room, slowly creaking the door open.

"Lily." he whispered. "Wake up."

She rolled her head to one side and opened her eyes.

"Wha...Will?" she slowly sat up and yawned.

"I don't have a lot of time. I need to leave." He whispered. "Uncle Deus sent me this ages ago." He retrieved the letter from his pocket and handed it to her.

She straightened up and read the page. "'re going now, aren't you?" she looked up, face scrunched up in caution.

Will nodded. "I'm meeting Augustus by the river. We were going to leave either way, but now we can find Uncle Deus, and put this animosity to an end. It's the only way we can be free. I want to be with him now more than ever. Wake Lizzie for me?"

He paused, watched his youngest sister sleep.

"Lizzie," Lily quietly said, stroking her wispy brown hair. "Wake up."

She sat up and slowly looked around the room with heavy eyelids.

Will sat on the edge of her bed and put his arm around her shoulders. He kissed her cheek.

He took a deep breath, hoping his rising anxiety wouldn't surface.

"I have to...go somewhere for a little while."

"Look," he stammered, grabbing his satchel. "I already packed your birthday gifts." he held it open, showing his pocket watch and inkwell nestled safely inside.

"I'll write as soon as I can. You're learning to read next year, yes?" he asked Elizabeth, who nodded in response. "Good, so then I'll write letters just for you." he assured her, tapping her on the nose. "I'll put them in with Lilly's so you'll get every single one of them, alright? I'll write as soon as I can. I promise I'll write every day if you like. I..." he struggled to keep calm. "I got you something."

Book I: Burnt Bliss [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now