Chapter Twenty-Eight: Pleasure

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"What'll you have?"

"Would it be possible to have a whole bottle of gin?"

He smirked. "How about I start you off with a few shots?"

"Make it a glass" I negotiated.

"Tough night eh?"

"Story of my life"

I watched him walk to the other end of the bar and fiddle with the difference bottle types until he found the one I requested.

In the mean time, I looked around the perimeter. The atmosphere was dark and silky. Could the air around you even be silky? Well, thats how it felt to me.

The dance floor slowed down due to the music and it was evident that if you weren't out there with your significant other then you'd have to just sit down.

Everything happening including my thoughts had me hot in three different ways. I know, I was also one of those people who didn't think feeling one thing in various different ways was possible.

But nothing else could describe how I was feeling right now.

I was hot as in mad, I was hot as in sexually frustrated, I was hot as in my temperature.... It was a lot to deal with.

"Here ya go" The bartender said sliding the drink my way.


I took a sip of the clear substance, letting the burn subside as the minute continued to progress.

Yesterday had to be one of the most embarrassing days of my life. Not only because I was bare ass naked in somebodies bed.

Not because I was naked for someone who obviously didn't want me but the person who walked in was not who I expected.

I don't know how to explain how I feel but I just know when I see ray that he's the one I want. Nobody could rock my world like he could.

The way he looked at me when he knew I wanted what he had but I just couldn't go on without knowing he felt the same.

It hurt when I didn't get the answer I wanted but his body was telling me something else completely when ever I found myself on top of him. I couldn't say no to him.... I never could.

That was until he stopped messing around with me completely to the point where my advances towards him didn't even work.

I had to catch myself feeling desperate about him one day when he directly told me that we weren't meant to be together.

He'd been going through a lot of things for a long time and ignoring everybody was how he felt he could handle his issues but at some point, him not talking to me began to hurt.

I took it personal so I made up my mind to talk to him but I didn't hear what I wanted to hear... All I got from what he was saying was chase him.

If he tells me we aren't meant to be together, I wanted nothing but to show him that we were. If he said he didn't like me in that way, I'd prove to him that he was wrong.

If I really wanted him than I'd have to show him that no matter what, I'd be here.. That I would never abandon him even if it was done to me.

Yesterday was the day that I showed ray how much I really wanted to be with him but that girl ended up walking in the room.

To be honest, I don't know how to feel about that chick. I hated her at first cause she was the crazy lunatic who threatened to shoot me over some fucking dry cleaning money.

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