Chapter Fifteen: December 25, 2021

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It was indeed Christmas Day... Nothing new transpired today other then the expected. Gifts were torn open savagely followed by satisfied smiles and cheers.

I got my family the gifts they wanted and thrived off of the hugs and kisses I deserved because of the presents...

I didn't get much because I can buy my own shit but one thing I could never put a price on was my daughter's smile.

She brought me to life once she figured out what I brought her. It was as if I gave her the whole world and she treated me like she loved me more then ever in that moment.

Little did she know, she was my world. I strived to give her anything and everything even if that meant sacrificing a little time that should have been spent with her.

After the gifts were put away, my father took all the kids out to church for the 8-9 a.m. morning serman while mama stayed back to prepare for the Christmas feast.

I, on the other hand remained home because I no longer believed in god. After all the shit I went through, I suffered and had people taken from me. People I could never replace, he's become irrelevant.

Ill never again uttered his name, so he'll remain just as he's always been. Invisible.

Sprawled out on the plush leather couch, the evening news caught my attention as I flipped aimlessly through the channels.

"This just in, five corpses were discovered decomposing in a large slab of concrete buried six feet beneath the ground and judging by the multiple gun wounds to the chest and skull.. This appears to be a homocide"

The screen then displayed a forest like scenery with a dog just browsing around in the background. Probably trying to find the proper tree to urinate on.

"This couple standing besides me were just on their daily morning hike with their dog when the golden retriever began acting strange"

"Yeah" A red-headed bomb shell with blue eyes responded to the news reporter. "When on our hike, axel is always so calm and obidient but when we came to a certain point, he didn't want to proceed. He gave me a really hard time when I wanted to move on"

"At some point we had to let him go because of how rowdy he became" A tall and dark haired man said immidiately after.

"We didn't understand what he was doing when he instantly began digging in that same spot. That was until we realized that there was dried blood everywhere beneath the soil"

I became a little uneasy as soon as the camera shifted back to the news reporter woman.

"Investigators say this homocide was a product of gang violence due to the numerous gun shots to the chest and skull... They are currently questioning suspects-"

I turned off the television and put my face in my hands... Contemplating everything that could have possibly gone wrong with our operation the other day. I really hope DayDay didn't fuck around and get us caught.

"DayDay!..... DAY'SHAWN!"

Frantic footsteps came descending down the stairs immidiately after my call.

"What the fuc-"

"Meet me on the porch..."

"For wha-"

"Get on the fucking porch before I knock yo ass out!.."

With no more questions asked, he sauntered out the door. I could faintly hear him sitting down on the lounge chair right besides the the front door.

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