The boat lurched forward, causing my stomach to drop and my body to stumble sideways. "Oops." Niall grabbed my shoulders to steady me. "Got ya." His voice was right in my ear, sending a warm feeling from my hairline to the tips of my toes.

"Thanks." I smiled up at him. His blonde hair was falling slightly in his eyes, and his perfectly pink lips were turned up into a smile. Niall grabbed my hand and redirected me to the front of the boat! Where there was a blanket on the ground. "What's this?"

"A surprise." His grin reached his eyes. "Wait here. I'll be right back." I nodded at his words and sat down on the blanket, it was soft and warm. Niall didn't keep me waiting too long, he was back with a basket before I could do anything else. He placed the basket in the middle of the blanket and sat cross crossed next to me. "I hope you like it, I just wanted to do something different..." He trailed off.

"I love it." A smile stretched onto my face without warning. "I think it's perfect." Like you, I thought to myself.

"I'm glad." I rested my head on Niall's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we watched the sun set. I tried to reach for my bag without moving too much, but Niall had let go of my shoulder to let me grab it, leaving it cold. I rifled through my bag before grasping the camera with a triumphant 'aha!' "Do you bring that everywhere?" Niall chuckled next to me. I folded my legs and sat on them for a higher view. I clicked the picture.

"Just everywhere I think I have a memory worth remembering." I redirected the camera to him. "Smile."

"No," he started, reaching for the camera. I handed it to him and he drew me closer. "Say cheese." He put his arm back around me and snapped a picture of the both of us. He took it out, placed the camera between his legs, and slowly shook the picture till it started to develop.

"I love it." I murmured to myself, knowing I actually hated how I looked it the picture, but I wouldn't tell Niall that. Now that I was thinking about it, there were a lot of things I wouldn't tell him. Things I never told anyone, not my mother, not my old friends. But that's why I moved to London, so no one would know me or the rumors people would whisper about me when I walked down the road. In London, no one knew me, and I intended to keep it that way. That was, until Niall had came into the picture. Thoughts were pulsing through my head, but the sound of Niall's voice caused them to all halt.

"Do you want something to eat?" He grabbed the basket and brought it closer to us. I nodded. He opened it and pulled out a variety of food. "For you." He handed me a sandwich and grabbed one for himself.

"Thank you." I unwrapped it from the plastic around it.

"I hope you like ham."

"It's actually my favorite." I big into it with glee. God I hadn't had a ham sandwich in years. We both nibbled on out sandwiched and didn't talk. I broke the silence first. "Niall, can I ask you a question?"

He swallowed before answering. "Course."

"How did you know I worked at the flower shop?" My forehead scrunched up.


"The flower shop. How did you know I worked there?"

"Oh." A blush colored in his face. "Well, I was driving past, and got stuck in traffic in front of it. When I looked inside, I saw you helping a costumer and figured you worked there." He finished with a sheepish grin.

"Oh." My voice came out low, like a whisper. "I-I'm glad you got stuck in traffic." I met his eyes.

He smiled. "So am I." My eyes flashed down to his lips, then back up at his eyes, then back down. I felt myself starting to lean in slightly, and I think I saw him begin to inch towards me as well. We were still our ways apart when a raindrop hit my nose, causing me to jump back.

Picturesque.   (Niall Horan)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum