F*ck no! teasing and macdonalds 2

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Mya_Rose_ dares springtrap to kiss Goldilocks (aka golden Freddy/Fredbear)

Springtrap: F*ck all that sh*t! I'm outa here!

Lolcram11: you're seriously going to do that to a newcomer?

Springtrap: sorry, but I'm not going to kiss that son of a b*tch!

Spring Bonnie: what's the worse that can happen?

Springtrap: ships... shippings can happen...

Spring Bonnie: relax. You're with me, remember?

Springtrap: *sighs* you all owe me big time.

Twisted Bonnie: and don't do that hat thing! Do at least the cheek!

Springtrap: you little!

Lolcram11: just get it over with. I got bleach and mouthwash waiting for you here.

Springtrap: *angered but goes anyway* hey, F*ckbear!

Fredbear: I thought we agreed to never call me that.

Springtrap: sorry to ruin your peace, but I've been dares to kiss you...

Fredbear: *gives hat* here. Get it done.

Springtrap: I can't do that anymore.

Fredbear: F*ck no!

Springtrap: the least I can do is the cheek. I got bleach and mouthwash waiting for us after this.

Fredbear: fine. Get it over with.

Springtrap: *kisses cheek then runs out towards the stuff*

Fredbear: Save some for me you f*ck! *runs*

Spring Bonnie: why do they hate each other so much?

Lolcram11: Fredbear always made everything look like it was all about him, so springtrap had enough then they had a fight then blah blah here we are.

Fredbear: *using mouthwash*

Springtrap: *using bleach*

Petuniakoopa87 asks if Plushtrap teases plushlove more since she's still hasn't turned back to normal.

Plushtrap: hehe. Yup.

Plushlove: screw you!

Plushtrap: sorry, can't here you from down there!

Plushlove: *attacks him*

Lolcram11: *grabs her* hey hey! Stop it now or else you two are going to have to deal with me!

Plushlove: *opens mouth*

Lolcram11: and I mean full power.

Plushlove and Plushtrap: fine....

NataXo013 dares springtrap to go to Macdonalds and ask "have you seen my cat?"

Springtrap: *pulls up on the driveway*

Speaker: Welcome to Macdonalds, how can I help you?

Springtrap: yeah, have you seen my cat?

Speaker: I'm sorry, your cat?

Springtrap: yeah, my cat. She's been missing for a while.

Speaker: uh.. no I haven't. Why? Has it been here?

Springtrap: she usually comes here, yeah.

Speaker: uh... how does she look like?

Springtrap: she's fat, for starters, has orange fur, black stripes on the back, and loves lasagna

Speaker: sir, that's Garfield and he's a boy.

Springtrap: mines different. Her name is... uh... Garfett.

Speaker:...sir, can you please just get the f*ck out?

Springtrap: thanks for nothing then.

Speaker: no problem.

Springtrap: I'm rating this place one star on yelp.

Speaker: oka- wait, WHAT?!?!

Back at the pizzeria...

Springtrap: *brings in Macdonalds food* I'm back!

Bonnie: how did you get all that food?

Springtrap: yelp threat

Bonnie: oh yeah. You can do that.

Lolcram11: I'm not surprised this kind of stuff happens. Make sure to Ask or Dare and Vote!

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