Escapees and thoughs

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Petuniakoopa87 asks destiny who helped her escaped and what does toy Bonnie think of Mettaton.

Destiny: it was iggy and Bulma. They helped me out. *stretches* that was tough Vegeta.

Vegeta: you might be even stronger than the boy here.

Lolcram11: haha. Real funny Vegeta.

Vegeta: *smirks* *flies away*

Toy Bonnie: and for mettaton he's hilarious and random. Too bad Lolcram11 killed him.

Lolcram11: hey, it's sans fault he thought he could control everyone.

Toy Bonnie: still think you took it too far.

Lolcram11: meh. Make sure to Ask or Dare and vote!

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