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Petuniakoopa87 dares Bonnie to survive a barrage of attacks from plushlove.

Bonnie: so what? I have to survive the attacks she throws at me, that's it?

Lolcram11: all I'm just going to say is good luck.

Bonnie: why is he so worked up?

Plushlove: take this! *blasts many ki blasts at him*

Bonnie: AHHH!!!! *gets hurt*

Plushlove: man! That was fun!

Bonnie: ow... Lolcram11! You better explain this.

Lolcram11: *healing him* later. It's complicated.

Plushlove: since he's helping him I'll do the outro. Make sure to Ask or Dare and Vote! And check out my book too!

Ask or dare the bonnie'sKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat