An ask and a dare

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TheFourthWheel46 asks what Bonbon and bonnet are like and dares Bonnie to sing "The Bonnie song" in front of everyone.

Bonbon: people say we're alot like our parents.

Bonnet: especially when it comes to us fighting.

Lolcram11: its true.

Bonnie: you sure I have to do this?

Lolcram11: You were dared to, so yeah

Bonnie: alright.

At the stage...

Bonnie: well, here goes nothing, other than Toy Bonnie probably going to kill me.

(after the song, I'm too lazy to write it all down.)

Lolcram11: You good.

Bonnie: yeah I think- *gets hit with a cup of soda* I'm not sure about Toy Bonnie though...

Lolcram11: why?

Bonnie: I think I made her feel bad...

Lolcram11: Well go comfort her.

Bonnie: *sighs* I'm going.

Lolcram11: well, Make sure to Ask or Dare and Vote.

Ask or dare the bonnie'sWhere stories live. Discover now