Recap And Proceed

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So till now what has happened...

Rose is a Strigoi and she wanted to capture Dimitri and turn him. She wanted to spend eternity with him.

Dimitri warns her that it would mean death for him as he cannot be turned. Rose is adamant and calls a group of Strigoi to take Dimitri captive.

Dimitri surrenders as he does not want to fight Rose.

At the end we see Rose dropped down from the tree, moving towards a captured Dimitri.


Rose moves towards him, her fangs bared. Dimitri closes his eyes. He knows that all his efforts were in vain. He could not convince Rose.

"Dimitri, soon you're going to be mine. Nothing will happen! It's just like sleep and a new awakening. You know it right," says Rose.

"I'm telling you again. It'll be nothing but my corpse lying here after you're done. Then there will be nothing left for you Rose. Stop now before you regret the consequences," he whispers through clenched teeth.

Rose pauses in her advance and looks briefly at him.

He can see the conflicted emotions playing in Rose. Her dangerous ruby-ringed eyes stare at him.

She bites her lip in nervousness.

Dimitri realises that Rose is weighing her options. Dimitri is too precious for her to lose.

So he tries another way of emotional blackmail.

"Why did you stop Rose? Drink your heart from me. Everything I ever had was for you only. My life is here for you if it satisfies you. Go ahead. You're too stubborn to listen to reason... My death is the only thing that will quench your thirst for power," he says each word with emphasis.

Rose has closed her eyes and he sees her posture growing tense. The Strigoi around them look at each other confused.

Finally Rose heaves a sigh," No, you're right. I'll check it out myself. Your death will be a tragedy no doubt. I can destroy myself later. Don't worry, Dimitri. I can't live without you. But I actually can't give up the chance to spend eternity with you."

Dimitri freezes.

That was something he had never expected from Strigoi Rose.. One thing is becoming very clear to him. Rose does love him a lot. She's ready to risk everything for a life with him.

The thing is that, she's twisted. So her ideas are twisted too. She actually is no longer in control of her emotions. Things are growing extremely confusing there.

Dimitri's heart skips a beat as Rose leans forward, towards his neck. He felt as if he could hear the pulsation of his own vein, attracting the Strigoi Rose. Pure Dhampir blood, the sweetest for Strigoi.... What more?

He is definitely scared for the first time in his life.

He closes his eyes, waiting for death.

He is shocked to get a kiss in his neck, and a trilling laugh filling the sky of the breaking dawn.

His eyes  flutter open to find Rose peering down at him.

"Dimka, what did you think? I am so stubborn, right? Well actually you are too precious to experiment on. I won't do that," she smiles, baring her fangs.

"Rose, I..."

But Rose cuts him off, "No Dimitri. Don't think I'll let you go though. I'll keep you captive and find other ways to turn you than the usual feeding way. We need to do a bit of  research."

"What? You want to keep me captive? I'd rather you kill me. I would die than be your blood-whore," Dimitri's voice is angry.

"No love, I would never dream of that. You will help me in finding new ways to turn you. You will help me even if you don't want to," she explained.

"Oh great! You want me to prepare for my own death?"

"No, for a life of eternity with me," she turns to the Strigoi, "Take him away and lock him up till you get further orders."

Without warning she touches her lips to his and seals him in a kiss. He is surprised and breaks the kiss.

He sees the hurt in her eyes before she promptly turns around and orders, "Remember he is a dangerous man. Be very careful you all."

With this words she's gone,in  a jiffy.

The Strigoi close in on him to take him to their den.

Dimitri spins around and is on his feet in a while. Turning around he kicks one Strigoi squarely on the chest. He staggers back.

Somehow he has managed to maneuver his hands to untie the rope.

He lunges for the stake and plunges it into the heart of the second Strigoi.

He falls when a third takes a swipe at him. He barely misses the deadly blow, spins around and stakes her too.

Then he looks around for any more threat but sees the Strigoi backing off.

As the first rays of dawn touch the top of the trees, he sends a prayer to God for delivering him from the danger.

Without caring for anything else, he starts to run.

A/N Thanks for reading. Pipigrin
Guys you must be wondering where the chats disappeared. Well they are there. But Dimitri definitely can't chat while being bound 😉

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