Thirty Four

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William's POV:
After the flight

I get off my plane and get an uber. Luckily it came really fast I couldn't waste any time. I finally arrive at the hospital and I run in. I spot a desk with a lady sitting behind it.
"Excuse me" I say "I'm William Nylander I'm Maia Richardson's boyfriend. Am I allowed to see her"
"No sir I'm sorry only family right now" the lady replies "But you can wait in the waiting room until people can visit"
"Um ok thanks" I plop onto a chair and start to cry. My babe is in a hospital room possibly dying at the moment. I think to myself. and these fuckers won't let me see her. What if she dies she can't die on me she's my everything.
"Will" I hear a voice behind me. I turn my head to see Nathan. He looks like he's been crying for hours too.
"How is she? Did you see her? Is her family coming? Will she die on me?" I ask nervously.
"William relax. I understand your scared believe me I am too but we need to relax and just wait it out. I did see her actually. She was unconscious. Her family doesn't know yet because they weren't on her emergency contact list. It was me you Gally and Max but I told them not to call Max because I didn't want him worrying"
"My poor babygirl" I says and I start to cry.
"It's going to be ok" Nate tells me.

I fall asleep for a little bit before Nate is shaking me.
"William we can go see her" He tells me. I instantly stand up and run to the room that the nurse is pointing at. I walk in and see the love of my life unconscious on a hospital bed with tube inside of her body and machines all around her. Oh lord I just want her to be ok. I run over to her and kiss her forehead. I grab the chair that's in the room and I put it next to her bed as I put her hand on top of mine.
"I'm not leaving this room" I told them nurse
"You don't need to leave. Your allowed to stay here now" and after that she left. Nathan was already asleep he looked dead to be honest. No no I'm not allowed to think about anyone dying I need my girl to be safe.


@williamnylander: All I want is my baby girl to be oktags: @maiarichardsoncomments disabled

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@williamnylander: All I want is my baby girl to be ok
tags: @maiarichardson
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